Opportunities and Risks. By Mehmet Enes Beşer Over the past decade, Cambodia has significantly strengthened its relationship with China, a development that has garnered both domestic and international attention. This burgeoning partnership, characterized by extensive economic investments, military collaborations, and political support, presents a complex landscape of opportunities and challenges for Cambodia. Economic Engagement: Infrastructure and Investments China’s economic footprint ...
The Schiller Institute has organized in Paris an international conference titled “Water for Peace”. Various speakers from different countries participated on the conference held in January 9, 2024. As United World International, we consider the conference of strategic value and will publish in two parts the notes of Odile Mojon, one of the organizers. Below is the first part. In ...
The humanity has left behind another tough year with many significant challenges. At the end of 2023 Palestinians raised the flag of revolt of oppressed nations against the oppressor world. Throughout the year, Russia’s achievements in Ukraine, led deep divisions on the West. France’s expulsion from Africa, the resolution of hitches in Karabakh, Syria’s return to the Arab League, the ...
Negotiations in the Caucasus between Armenia and Azerbaijan continue. But due to the great geopolitical importance of the region, outside powers, especially the United States and the European Union, intervene in the process, seeking, according to experts, to encircle Russia. Armenian and Azerbaijani leaders Nikol Pashinian and Ilham Aliyev met informally on the sidelines of an unofficial summit of the ...
By Andrew Korybko The global systemic transition to multipolarity, which predates Russia’s special operation but was unprecedentedly accelerated by it, is leading to increased stability in West Asia-North Africa despite Western fearmongering forecasts to the contrary. Far from regional fault lines worsening to the point of open warfare or at least an even more intense cold war between traditional pairs of ...
Exactly a year ago, United World International expert Mehmet Perinçek interviewed H.E. Ersin Tatar, President of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus on July 20, 2020. On the occasion of recent Pakistani indications to recognize the TRNC as a sovereign state, the visit of Turkish President to the island and the debate in the UN Security Council on the opening ...
By Federico Petroni / the Italian original is published in magazine Limes American dormancy has triggered a race for the South Pole between the Chinese, Russians, and even the Turks. Beijing hopes to use the area to become a maritime power, while the British and Australians hope to redraw the map in their favor. The battle to renew the Antarctic ...
In the previous week, the Turkish public was struck by the allegations of using Syrian jihadists and Turkish F-16 fighters, in the ongoing conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Turkey has been historically and culturally tied with Azerbaijan with the simple definition of “one nation, two countries. Turkey also did not hesitate to show its support for Azerbaijan in the ongoing ...
The term “Flammable Ice” will soon be a part of our daily lexicon. The phenomena’s scientific name is “clathrate hydrates” (gas hydrates), describing ice-like, crystalline formations created under high pressure and low temperature hydrocarbon gas molecules on the sea bottom. Under standard pressure and temperature conditions, 1 cubic meter of gas hydrate contains up to 164 cubic meters of natural ...
It would be important to cover the report titled “Turkey as a Major Challenge for Israel (and its neighbors) in the 21st century” published on 16th September by the think-tank called Jerusalem Institute for Strategy&Security (JISS), while there are some that advocates for a normalization with Tel Aviv administration in Turkey, with the principle of “There are no permanent alliances ...