Turkey spent last week talking about the natural gas reserves found in the Black Sea This Friday, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced that the Fatih Drilling Vessel, which has been on natural gas exploration activities in the Black Sea, had discovered 320 billion cubic meters of natural gas reserves at the Sakarya Gas Field. “GOOD NEWS” Speaking at an opening ...

Mali In Mali, a coup d’état involving the military took place, during which President Ibrahim Keita was deposed, as was Prime Minister Boubou Cissé. The military announced a three-year transition period to form a civilian government. According to an ECOWAS report from August 23, the State is now headed by a representative of the armed forces and the Government will ...

Major energy producing countries are using energy exports to increase political influence in consumer countries. Energy exports are one of the most important ways to create interdependence as well as stability and security in the region. Iran ranks second in the world’s gas reserves, but  domestic gas consumption increased sharply in the cold seasons of the year, in addition, at ...

Having oil and gas resources can be one of the most important pillars of the overall economic policy of the ruling economy, which can rightly be a good fit for the country’s economy in the face of current and ongoing crises and for its long-term development and impact. In industrial, manufacturing and overall economic activities of the country, energy and ...

Qatar is Iran’s southern neighbor and has a similar economic structure to Iran. The two neighbors have an economy that relies on their huge energy resources, so there was no significant opportunity for cross-border trade between the two countries. Political relations between Iran and Qatar on both sides of the Persian Gulf have so far been stable. Contrary to the ...

Over the past few decades, the share of natural gas in the global fuel basket has grown considerably. All predictions point to gas becoming the largest source of energy in the world, reaching over 28% by 2035. At present, countries such as US, Russia, Australia have made huge investments aiming to take a higher share of the LNG market. Qatar, ...