`Do you remember Google’s slogan “Don’t be evil”? Well, Google is evil. It is one of the biggest donors to Washington’s pay-to-play, feckless political class.` Mitchell B. Feierstein Turkish authorities recently took another step against the new digital dictatorship of the media giants. After WhatsApp updated its privacy policy, Turkish authorities launched an investigation into Facebook and WhatsApp, and President ...

Twitter blocked the official account of the Hungarian government without explanation, state secretary for international communications and relations Zoltán Kovács told Facebook on Wednesday. “This is rather intriguing given the European Commission is publishing its first report on the rule of law on Wednesday,” Kovács wrote. “It seems that Brave New World has finally arrived,” he added. According to him, ...

Facebook is no longer satisfied with users and groups, and has begun to colonize much of our day to day lives: what can one do to replace the platform, and will abdicating ultimately help to overcome the company’s ultra-liberal agenda? Earlier we wrote about the Turkish precedent in an attempt to take control of popular social networks, and about the ...

Attacks against Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on various social media outlets have once again raised questions about the totalitarian nature of Twitter, Youtube and Facebook around the world. After Erdogan’s family (his daughter and son-in-law) received abusive tweets about the birth of the fourth child in their family, the Turkish president spoke out against social media and declared that ...

Ah, America’s much lauded “Freedom of the Press,” part and parcel of the holy writ of liberalism, the US constitution, which ostensibly enshrines the population’s right to freely publish and access information, separating our so-called “democracy” from the countries that get the epitaph “regime” in the papers. However, for those outside the western world, it might come as a surprise ...