Spanish (Socialist) Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez has now taken the initiative to call for more solidarity inside the EU to confront the coronavirus crisis. Τhe Maastricht Treaty is organizing a perfect “Kingdom of Finance” in Europe, a neoliberal entity forbidding solidarity, or associating it with austerity, terms which, in the context of a crisis, may lead to the destruction of ...

Despite its geographical proximity to China, which became the center of the new coronavirus’ spread in early 2020. The virus spread slowly in the region for the first two months of the year, but there has been explosive growth in cases since mid-March. Thailand: royal isolation In October 2019, Thailand was ranked sixth by the WHO in terms of preparedness ...

While the US and Europe are destroyed by the Covid-19 outbreak, the question ”How did China stop the outbreak and turned back to normal life?” has become a frequent topic of discussion. Atlanticists’ answers are cursory: ”They’ve hidden the data.’’ The Western media, which has the most to lose from the end of the ”American Dream”, has started to act ...

Alarming events are taking place in the West, the region of the world which has become the epicenter of the Covid-19 pandemic. European countries and the United States are all blaming each other in their panic at having been caught unprepared for the pandemic, lacking the healthcare system and supplies to deal with the crisis. The EU had closed its ...

On Friday March 28, the Illinois Department of Public Health published data on the novel coronavirus outbreak. African Americans were shown to be the only community hit by disease disproportionately, being affected at several times the rate of other race groups. Black people make up 14.6% of the state’s population, but 28% of the confirmed cases of the coronavirus. Meanwhile, ...

By Tülin Uygur Sweden’s extraordinary attitude in the process of fighting against the Coronavirus has been met with surprise all over the world. The so-called “Swedish experiment” has sparked some intense criticisms. The Swedish minority government, which has been isolated by its neighbors in the north, is now struggling with increasing criticism from the public, journalists and academics. Sweden is the ...

Terrorists look to exploit the chaos of the pandemic and use themselves as “bioweapons.” Despite the new coronavirus pandemic, jihadi groups around the world remain very active. On March 19, Turkish troops came under rocket fire near Mount Zawiya on the M4 Highway in Idlib, Syria. The attacks were allegedly carried out by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham or Huras ad-Din militants. ...

As is the case in the rest of the world, Turkey continues its struggle against the Covid-19 pandemic. Turkey has so far registered 27,069 coronavirus cases, while the death toll stands at 574. Last Friday, President Erdogan announced new measures to curb the spread of the coronavirus, including a 15-day ban on vehicles leaving or entering 31 cities. Cities such ...

Following the outbreak of the novel coronavirus in Wuhan in December 2019 and the spread of the disease, it seemed that the disease was primarily threatening neighboring countries in East Asia. Since then, Europe and the US have become the main centers of the pandemic on a global scale, as China and its neighbors were able to significantly decrease, if ...

Coronavirus around the world According to the WHO, the number of people infected with coronavirus worldwide now exceeds 1,136,000. The leader this week was the United States, with somewhere between 270,000 and 337,000 people infected with Covid-19. As we wrote earlier, this is mainly a result of the uncertain policies of US President Donald Trump, alternating between taking the virus ...