By Ali Riza Tasdelen Long before the coronavirus pandemic broke out, many had already come to the conclusion that a new world was being born, that the Atlantic Front was on the brink of collapse and that the world was orienting itself more and more toward China and the east, the new center of  humanity, production and prosperity. American imperialism has ...

Alberto Fernandez’s government has been safeguarding a successful response to the crisis unleashed by the pandemic. While certainly not without difficulties, he is showing the capacity for resolution, elasticity and adaptability. The historic Peronist party in power has found itself at a critical moment. Successfully emerging from the crisis would be a huge political victory, and would undoubtedly have serious ...

Global security paradigms have shifted dramatically as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic. Politicians, social commentators and thinkers are actively discussing what has now become the greatest threat to humanity, suprassing even terrorism in terms of the global concern it has inspired. Humanity has survived wars and pandemics for ages, albeit sometimes at horrendous costs. However, no matter how bad ...

The first chapter titled “The New World Order”, begins with the following lines, in the book “Diplomacy” by Henry Kissinger, who has been consideres as the mastermind of US foreign politics since the 1970’s; “Almost as if according to some natural law, in every century there seems to emerge a country with the power, the will, and the intellectual and ...

Coronavirus By the end of the week, the number of confirmed coronavirus cases in the world was almost 1,700.00 while deaths have exceeded 106,138. The European region (with over 880,000 cases) remains the record holder, followed by the American regions (over 573,000). The largest number of infected in the USA is more than 492.00 cases (according to official statistics alone, ...

The outbreak which began at the end of 2019 in Central China (in the Hubei province) has now spread to more than 160 countries and was recognized as a pandemic by the World Health Organization on March 11, 2020. In the Middle East, Iran became the epicenter of this new virus and started a chain reaction spreading COVID-19 to most ...

As of this week, 1,101 people have died of the Coronavirus in Turkey, with the total number of confirmed cases reaching 52,167 and 5,138 more people having tested positive with the virus in the past 24 hours, the Health Ministry announced on Twitter. According to the official announcements, a total of 2,965 patients have recovered and have been discharged from ...

April 4, 2020 is China’s ‘Tomb-sweeping Day’. On this day, in order to express the deep condolences of the martyrs and deceased compatriots who sacrificed their lives to fight against the COVID-19 epidemic, the Chinese State Council decided to hold a national mourning event. During this period, flags were flying at half-mast across the country and overseas Embassies and Consulates, ...

As entire countries fall ill, China offers hope The region of Oceania (Papua New Guinea, Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands) generally receives little attention in contemporary geopolitical analysis. However, this region is strategically important in terms of the US continued efforts for control over South East Asia. This is also where the largest and most decisive parts of ...

By Yuwen li Isaiah Berlin, a British political philosopher, once outlined a phenomena he called bent twig theory, which suggests that a twig can easily be bent when pulled downwards strongly, but it will always rebound as quickly and violently as it was pushed as a result. He compared the bent twig to the social mindset or spirit of the ...