Despite the enormous consequences, the spread of the coronavirus seems a very minor event compared to other epidemics that human history has witnessed over the ages. So far, deaths from the coronavirus have not yet reached a million, while epidemics in the past claimed the lives of millions and even tens of millions. For example, between 1348 -1355, the Black ...

The coronavirus continues to test the limits of previous social systems. The virus affects everyone and every aspect of life. It has triggered the questioning of all conventional habits and stances concerning almost every aspect of life, from international relations to the organization of the nation-state, from social relationships to the economy, the role of science and art in our ...

Turkey ended the week on a positive note: on April 24, according to the numbers announced by the Minister of Health Fahrettin Koca, for the first time since the beginning of the Coronavirus pandemic, the daily number of people who had recovered from the virus surpassed the number of daily new cases. One of the important events of the last ...

The Coronavirus continues to cover the world. This week ended with 2,804,796 global confirmed cases and 193,710 confirmed deaths. The most infected countries are the US with 899,281, Spain with 219,764, Italy with 195,351, Germany with 154,175 and the UK with 148,381. Rumors about Kim Jong-Un’s death At the end of the week, world media began to actively discuss the ...

The state of Israel, which has been isolating itself and struggling with the political crises during the pandemic, has been blockading the Palestinians living in occupied Jerusalem from prevention and treatment services. The director of the National Coalition for the Human Rights in Jerusalem Zekeriyya Avde says that Israel had not done any Covid-19 tests on the Palestinians living in ...

In September 2019, US President Donald Trump made striking statements in a speech at the United Nations General Assembly; “The future does not belong to globalists, the future belongs to patriots. The future belongs to sovereign and independent nations who protect their citizens, respect their neighbors, and honor the differences that make each country special and unique. Globalism exerted a ...

Humanity is facing one of the most serious and complex crises in its history. It is not only a health crisis, it is also an economic, ecological and a geopolitical one. In Europe, it is opening a new chapter in the deep and potentially terminal crisis of the European Union. However, nobody in Europe or anywhere else in the world ...

While futures contracts for WTI (West Texas Intermediate) crude oil in the US expired in May, the price of the WTI-type oil fell by more than 300% this week, the value dropping to negative 37.63 by contract holders avoiding physical delivery of the oil. Oil prices have fallen below zero for the first time in history in an environment where ...

From April 23 to May 23, the Islamic world celebrate the annual Ramadan fast. However, for the first time this year, Muslims in most countries of the world will have to observe under special circumstances. The coronavirus pandemic is the primary culprit: Muslims from Indonesia to Morocco have not gathered for prayers for weeks. But what about Ramadan? Ramadan, the ...

By Shashi Kant Tripathi When media outlets began reporting about the starvation of stranded workers during the lockdown due to the coronavirus, several other heartbreaking incidents also came to light, for instance, that 39 year old Ranveer Singh had died midway as he walked from Delhi to Morena. He was a delivery boy in a Delhi restaurant and left the ...