Putin and Erdogan meet On March 5, an important meeting between President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey and Russian President Vladimir Putin was held in Moscow. The main results were decisions on counteracting to terrorism, the terms of a ceasefire, the creation of security corridor and joint patrolling efforts. Erdogan and Putin’s talks on Idlib: a brief analysis The high-level ...

Idlib The Syrian army command has announced the closure of airspace over Idlib province, reports the Syrian state agency SANA. Last Updates on the Idlib: Are Turkey and Russia on the brink of war? Meanwhile, the Turkish government continues to pursue a policy of “balance” between Washington and Moscow in Syria which it is presenting as “independent foreign policy.” However, ...

In his latest act of sadistic geopolitical bloviation, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo used the deadly coronavirus outbreak in Iran as an opportunity to criticize the country’s healthcare system and make crude accusations against its leadership. These comments were made in willing ignorance of the central role the US itself played in devastating Iran’s healthcare infrastructure with targeted sanctions. ...

BACKGROUND Iranian officials have announced the preliminary parliamentary election results, which showed major gains for conservative forces. The Islamic Consultative Assembly (also known as the Majles) is Iran’s unicameral parliament, consisting of 290 deputies. All representatives of Iranian Parliament are elected by a direct secret ballot every four years. According to Iranian electoral law, any Iranian citizen between the ages ...

The battle against the new strain of coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19) has reached its most intense and complicated period. The Chinese government says that in places outside of Hubei, Chinese people are finally starting to return to work. While their return is critical for the economy, it also presents new challenges for preventing the spread of the deadly new virus. President ...

In late December, Chinese authorities reported an outbreak of a type of pneumonia of unknown origin in the city of Wuhan. The causative agent of the disease was a new variation of the coronavirus. On February 11, 2020, the World Health Organization named the disease COVID-19. The International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) then described the virus as “severe ...

The Idlib crisis continues The Presidents of Turkey and the US – Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Donald Trump – discussed the problems of Libya and Syria during a telephone conversation this week. In the course of the conversation, they noted the need for stability in Libya and an end to escalation in Idlib. In addition, the leaders agreed to resume ...

The Plague of Wuhan Lurking upon the unrefrigerated mystery meats of Wuhan city’s Huanan open air market, the Coronavirus struck its first human prey on the eve of a new decade. After jumping to humans, the virus spread with the ferocity of a wildfire across China and eventually made its way to a number of other countries – mostly in ...

The Deal of the Century US President Donald Trump presented a plan to “resolve” the decades long Palestinian-Israeli conflict, which his administration has been developing for about three years. https://unitedworldint.com/7490-trumps-deal-of-the-century-a-stillborn-plan-for-legalized-apartheid/ According to the plan, Jerusalem will be the indivisible capital of the Jewish state, with a Palestinian capital being created in East Jerusalem. In addition, Israel would have power over ...

The new year has begun with natural disasters, epidemics, continuous street riots and ever-deepening international conflicts. It seems like everyday we hear new depressing news from somewhere in the world. We hear about the forest fires in Australia in the morning, an epidemic in China at noon and head to bed worried about the rumors of a new US attack ...