Relations between Iran and Arab countries have had ups and downs throughout history. Since Muslims conquered the Iranian empire and turned the Iranians to Islam, the Iranians have excerted their influence on the Caliphate system. As a result, Muslim countries have witnessed constant quarrels between the Persians, Turks and Arabs in the sphere of geopolitical influence. Revisionism and Neo-Ottomanism in ...

An increasing number of countries are imposing a state of emergency and announcing quarantine measures in connection with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). Simultaneously with the Coronavirus epidemic, there are serious changes in the world economy occuring which threaten to bring down the global market. After the coronavirus pandemic, the world will no longer be the same. But what will it ...

Coronavirus shock The total number of those infected by coronavirus world-wide rose to over 194,651, with 7,882 dead and 81,102 still recovering. Coronavirus has been detected in almost all European countries: nine EU states have fully sealed their borders to non-nationals ahead of the pandemic. According to fresh information, the European Union will close its external borders for 30 days. ...

More and more dignitaries and journalists around the world are beginning to argue that the source of the new type of coronavirus could have been US Department of Defense biological laboratories. The new coronavirus could have been brought to the Chinese city of Wuhan by the US military. Zhao Lijian, the deputy head of the Chinese Foreign Ministry’s information department, ...

Coronavirus has officially made its appearance in Turkey, putting it in the headlines and minds of people across the country — but how serious is the problem in comparison with other major outbreaks of the past? The Antonine Plague (Plague of Galen) The Antonine plague was an epidemic brought by soldiers returning from their eastern conquests between the years 165 ...

The peak of the Covid-19 (coronavirus) epidemic in China has already passed, said Mi Feng, an official representative of the Chinese Health Committee. According to him, currently, with the exception of Wuhan, no new cases of infection have been registered in all cities of Hubei Province for an entire week. Outside Hubei Province, seven new cases have been detected, of ...

Professor Ishak Rasuli, Rector of Ardabil Azadi University in Iran, answered our questions on the coronavirus outbreak. Rasuli says that Turkey has taken the necessary measures on the Iranian border but has not spared any support for Iran. He also noted that the US medical embargo threatens not only the Iranian State, but the health of its people. There are ...

Supply and demand are the two central elements of price stability in the global energy market. Moreover, the rate of economic growth of major energy-consuming countries such as China and India also plays an important role in market stability. In addition to these two main components, geopolitical events in major energy producing areas or along energy transit routes are also ...

Serdar Yurtçiçek / Turkish student in Hangzhou China Within 10 days, the virus will have been nearly eradicated in China outside the Hubei province. A total of 80,904 people have been diagnosed so far with the coronavirus, which emerged in December 2019 in the city of Wuhan, the capital of the Hubei Province in China. With the early precautions of ...

Iran declares ‘Islamic Jihad’ against a new enemy – coronavirus. BACKGROUND At the end of December 2019, China reported an outbreak of pneumonia caused by a new coronavirus in Wuhan (Hubei Province). The World Health Organization (WHO) recognized it as an epidemic following a number outbreaks and declared an emergency of international proportions. At first, the disease was called 2019-nCoV; ...