China resolves the long-standing debate about its “desire and ability” to get involved in the sands of the Middle East, and there is no longer any doubt that the “silent partner” now dares to speak out and is working hard to become an insurmountable number in the Middle East. I believe that the Gaza war, Netanyahu’s madness, Washington’s blatant complicity, ...

The significance of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to Saudi Arabia cannot be understood in isolation from the symbolic messages it entails. The Chinese President was received with a standing ovation and awarded an honorary doctorate from King Saud University, in contrast to the apathy that US President Joe Biden experienced during his visit to the Kingdom last July. From ...

Western countries’ acusstations that China is committing a genocide against Uyghurs and disciminating against Muslims is an imperialist lie. Socialism with Chinese characteristics has created the most sophisticated legal regulation in the world with regard to national minorities and China has the most advanced practices available for dealing with the situation. I have visited the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region many ...

The Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi is continuing his trip through the Middle East. The visit started on March 24 in Saudi Arabia and continued on March 25 in Turkey, where Wang met with President Erdoğan and Foreign Minister Çavuşoğlu. On March 26, Foreign Minister Wang travelled to Iran for a 2-day stop. After Iran, Wang will visit United Arab ...

These days, 6 different countries of the Middle East, where conflicts seemingly never end, will welcome Wang Yi, Member of the State Council and Foreign Minister of the People’s Republic of China. Wang’s visit is expected to touch on topics as the nuclear agreement with Iran, Israeli-Palestinian peace process and Afghanistan. The Middle East visit of Wang Yi started on ...