By Orçun Göktürk, Beijing, China For the average person living in the West, Chinese politics seems complicated because Chinese democracy is judged according to Western stereotypes. But China’s top legislative organs, the National People’s Congress (NPC) and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), hold their annual meetings in Beijing after the Chinese New Year, symbolizing China’s whole-process ‘people’s democracy’. ...

By Ljubodrag Simonovic, Belgrade / Serbia * Historically, capitalism, through its propaganda machinery, has created “legendary” personalities who serve as a symbol of its “developmental power”. Today, it is Elon Musk. The ruling media have created a myth out of him, to create an impression that developmental powers of capitalism are unlimited. The “genius visionary” Musk is the one who ...

The British invented table tennis, but it became a symbol of China. In April 1971, it passed to be a sports branch and became a new paradigm of international politics known as the ‘Ping-Pong Diplomacy’. After 10 years of no diplomatic contact between them, the US national table tennis team has landed upon invitation in the People’s Republic of China. ...