

Iran could defeat US sanctions in the International Court of Justice

Iran could defeat US sanctions in the International Court of Justice

The Trump administration, in carrying out plans to blockade the Iranian economy, may end up falling into a financial and legal trap themselves.
Time to make central Europe great again!

Time to make central Europe great again!

In 2016, the US president Donald J. Trump announced that he wanted to Make America Great Again (MAGA), but he encountered a variety of reactions.
The US vs the Latin American anti-globalist front

The US vs the Latin American anti-globalist front

John Bolton recently referred to Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua as a “three tyrants” and announced that sanctions would be imposed against all three...
China’s debt-trap diplomacy; a threat to the developing world 

China’s debt-trap diplomacy; a threat to the developing world 

Analysts who follow global geopolitical trends frequently come across the phrase: “the 21st century belongs to China”. To lend credibility to the claim, they often mention China’s $1 trillion “one belt, one road” initiative. Through this huge initiative, China is supporting infrastructureprojects in strategically-located developing countries while extending loans for those projects.
Elections in Brazil: The Fight for the geopolitical future

Elections in Brazil: The Fight for the geopolitical future

Elections will take place in Brazil on October 7th. The right-wing candidate Jair Bolsonaro (Social liberal party) and Lula's successor - Fernando Haddad (Workers party, PT) are the most likely candidates for the office of president.
The Last EU Parliament

The Last EU Parliament

We are witnessing an accelerated process of change in the entire political system in Europe, as well as increased pressure from geopolitical and centrifugal factors, which the European project has never had to directly face and thus has not formulated an effective reaction to
What is the geopolitical identity of Germany?

What is the geopolitical identity of Germany?

The Germans are known throughout the world as one of the most economic, industrious and disciplined peoples... however, as much as they are talented at the level of tactics, they are just as weak in the development of strategy
The Tehran summit vs. The US Coalition

The Tehran summit vs. The US Coalition

Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdogan, for the third time in the last 9 months, met during a summit, this time hosted by Hassan Rouhani on September 7 in Tehran.
New anti-crisis government formed in Sudan

New anti-crisis government formed in Sudan

The ruling party of Sudan, the ‘The National Congress', has formed a new government in hopes of overcoming the crippling economic difficulties facing the country. An assistant to the president broke the news to journalists on Thursday evening after a meeting of party leadership.
Sweden still a bastion of Social Democrats

Sweden still a bastion of Social Democrats

In yesterday's elections in Sweden, the anti establishment Sweden Democrats had the biggest gain, but is was not as big as expected. The Social Democrats and conservative Moderates both retreated, but are still pleased to retain their first and second position respectively. The question then remains: why didn’t Sweden follow the path of rest of Europe?