The youth of 6 countries in West Asia that resist US imperialism and Israeli Zionism came together for “Independent Palestine” at the conference organized by World Anti-Imperialist Youth Union (WAYU). The “International Youth Conference on Independent Palestine” composed of 11 youth organizations from Palestine, Turkey, Iran, Lebanon, Syria and Yemen met online on 25 July 2021. The youth organizations stated “Against the Imperialist-Zionist Threat, For the Independent State of Palestine, We ...

The last legislative elections held in the Palestinian territories in 2006, which ended with the victory of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), had major repercussions. Most notably, a wide Palestinian split offered Israel an opportunity on a gold plate to shun any commitment to continue the peace process negotiations, on the pretext of the absence of a clear Palestinian partner ...

Palestine is going to elections again for the first time after 14 years. President Mahmoud Abbas signed a decree that confirmed parliamentary elections on May 22nd and presidential elections on July 31st. Palestine has perhaps entered one its most critical turning points in history, after more than half a century of a struggle for the Palestinian independence, the toughening Israeli ...