Africa has been torn apart by internecine wars and conflicts throughout its post-colonial period of history, and the bloody history of the continent has naturally drawn the attention of many artists and directors. Unfortunately, most of the war movies where action takes place in Africa were shot from the perspective of white outsiders interested in catching a glimpse into the ...

Most observers today ask whether the zero hour of the first water war is upon us, after the rapid developments in the positions of the three countries, Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan on the issue of the Renaissance Dam. Will Ethiopia force Egypt to carry out the first strike of the African water wars? Egyptian preparedness Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi ...

On May 19, Sudanese Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok held talks with his Egyptian counterpart Mustafa Madbouli on the Nile dam project in Ethiopia (Grand Ethiopean Renaissance Dam – the GERD). The Ministers for Foreign Affairs and Water Resources of the two countries also took part in the conversation. “In a teleconference meeting, Sudanese Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok and his Egyptian ...

Egypt appealed to the UN Security Council to protest Ethiopia’s intention to begin filling the reservoir of the Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) this year. Cairo is trying to warn the international community that Ethiopia’s plans could lead to serious losses for Egypt – up to half of all freshwater the country receives. As a result, the country may face ...

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA), scheduled for 1 July 2020, has been postponed. However, it is obvious that after the epidemic comes to an end, the project will still be implemented, one way or another. The AfCFTA has brought up questions about the future of the entire continent: some call the ...

Europe Germany: Hezbollah ban On April 30, the German Interior Ministry officially included the Shiite movement “Hezbollah” in its list of terrorist organizations. The decision was justified by the fact that Hezbollah calls for the destruction of the State of Israel and “opposes the establishment of understanding between peoples”. The US, Canada, the Netherlands, Japan and the UK banned the ...

The risks of the first water war in Africa seem high as Addis Ababa shows it is not ready to compromise on the construction of a dam which could end up having disastrous effects on Egypt’s water economy. An article by UWI’s Islam Farag on the issue of Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam has caused a storm of outrage among Ethiopian ...

On Friday March 28, the Illinois Department of Public Health published data on the novel coronavirus outbreak. African Americans were shown to be the only community hit by disease disproportionately, being affected at several times the rate of other race groups. Black people make up 14.6% of the state’s population, but 28% of the confirmed cases of the coronavirus. Meanwhile, ...

In Ethiopian Prime Minister Abi Ahmed’s recent statement he confirmed that his country would start filling the reservoir of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam in the coming rainy season. This was only the latest episode in a policy already considered fait accompli, the culmination of Addis Ababa’s actions against the rights of countries downstream the Nile. The Ethiopian authorities recently ...

Two hundred militants seized the town of Mocímboa da Praia in Mozambique’s Cabo Delgado Province earlier this week, targeting military units and police stations. Mozambican authorities have reported a large number of deaths and injuries. Jihadists on the offensive Residents of Mosimbo da Praia reported that several militant groups arrived by boat and landed on the city beach, meanwhile, another ...