For the first time in decades, Iran conducted a military exercise on the southern bank of the Aras River at its border with the Republic of Azerbaijan last week. The drill was in fact a sign of new political tension between Tehran and Baku that emerged for the first time since Azerbaijan’s independence. While Iran and Azerbaijan have experienced tumultuous ...

United World International expert Mehmet Perinçek spoke to the Azerbaijani news outlet on the situation in the southern Caucasus and a possible normalization between Turkey and Armenia. Below we document the interview as published by The subtitles are set by UWI. Normalization of relations between Turkey and Armenia will not only help Armenia get out of the difficult ...

After the 44-day Second Karabakh War, the military-political balance has changed not only in the South Caucasus, but also all over the world. The United States and Europe no longer have a role to play in resolving conflicts around the world. The role of Turkey and Russia in world politics is already growing. In the Second Karabakh War, the Turkish-Russian ...

The 44-day war in the South Caucasus last year is still hotly debated, and it seems that it will on the agenda for many years to come. This is due to the fact that, along with restoring the historical and legal justice, this war also created new realities in the region. The Azerbaijani side won the 44-day war and the ...