Improving relations between Russia and Iran at the municipality level within BRICS+ framework

Association of Cities and Municipalities of the BRICS+ countries has been founded.

On June 21, the founding meeting of a new organization, the Association of Cities and Municipalities of the BRICS+ countries, took place in the Russian city of Kazan. The meeting of the new body was attended by more than 200 mayors, vice-mayors and leaders of associations of municipalities of the BRICS states and cooperating countries: Russia, China, India, South Africa, Brazil, Iran, Ethiopia, Türkiye, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Morocco and Indonesia.

The main task of the organization is to unite the participating countries at the city level to exchange the best municipal practices – from modernizing the urban structure to improving local legislation. The goal of cooperation should be the development of cities based on strengthening social and economic cooperation and the exchange of experience in a number of areas. In total, more than 2.5 million people live in all the municipalities whose heads were present at the meeting. The outcome of the meeting was the signing of a declaration. The chairman was the mayor of the host city, Ilsur Metshin. The headquarters of the Association will be created in Kazan in Dubai.

Widespread support

Representatives of the BRICS countries who arrived in Kazan spoke with words of support for the new Association, because the new structure will allow intensifying cooperation not only in urban planning, but also strengthening ties between countries in the spheres of economy, culture, education and ecology. “Today we stand on the verge of creating a new history, on the verge of creating an association that will strengthen the influence of BRICS and partners, expand the capabilities of cities and municipalities, unite in the interests of residents and build a successful future. We have our own colossal heritage and rich experience in solving current urban problems. And today the time has come for more active interaction, establishing economic, cultural and scientific ties for mutual enrichment and development,” Ilsur Metshin said at the meeting.

These intentions are reflected in the declaration, which states that the participants are ready to work together to solve common problems, such as environmental sustainability, cultural exchange, infrastructural development, social protection and exchange individual experiences in which certain cities have achieved the greatest success. For example, Moscow is ready to share “experience and constructive solutions” in those areas where it is a “recognized world leader,” which includes improving urban infrastructure, developing “smart city” services, digitalizing the public administration system and much more. This was stated by the speaker of the Moscow City Duma Alexey Shaposhnikov.

Representatives of other delegations also spoke. The head of the Brazilian Cordeirópolis José Adinan Ortolan spoke about cooperation in the climate sector, the Director General of the Association of Ethiopian Cities, Andualem Teno Habti, said that his delegation was interested in the issues of solid waste disposal and aspects related to the use of modern technologies and artificial intelligence. The mayor of the Argentine city of Moreno, Juan Javier Willipan, said that he does not support the decision of his president Javier Miley to refuse to join BRICS and hopes for its revision. And the Secretary General of the Latin American Federation of Cities, Municipalities and Local Government Associations, Sergio Arredondo Olvera, highly praised the development of Kazan and thanked the host of the meeting, Ilsur Metshin.

Perspectives of development of Russian – Iranian relations

The Secretary General of the Asian Forum of Mayors organization, Deputy Mayor of Tehran Hamidreza Gholamzadeh Natanzi also take a word to speak. He thanked Kazan for organizing the event: “The initiative to create BRICS+ cities and municipalities is wonderful, because we live in times when the world is moving towards a new model, towards a new world order. This order should be shaped by the most active countries and cities. Kazan is taking on this task, and it’s worth admiring.”

According to him, municipalities are becoming important players, and accordingly they are able to fill the agenda with actions for the benefit of residents. The new association will bring a new language, influence and format of cooperation between countries to the discussion of local aspects. Tehran, in turn, could offer cooperation in the field of tourism, improving transport infrastructure and cultural exchange, including in the field of national cuisine, which is little known to tourists from Russia and other countries.

Strong cooperation between cities may be influenced by many years of joint work between Russia and Iran. Both countries are at the forefront of a multipolar world, the pursuit of which requires a lot of work not only on the part of heads of states and ministries, but also on the part of municipalities, which are obliged to work to improve the well-being of cities, make cultural exchanges, share experiences and improve intercity communications for higher level of interaction between countries seeking to organize a new world order based on equality, independence and mutual respect between countries.