Correction: In the first part of this article published it was stated: “However, Great Britain, after recognizing the independence of Yemen, in 1920s, converted Aden into a protectorate and in 1937, into a colony.” It should say: “However, Great Britain, after recognizing the independence of Yemen, in 1928, converted Aden into a protectorate and in 1937, into a colony”. Many ...

By Prof. Dr. Fernando Esteche * When we define the four main vectors by which the imperialist mode of production is reproduced, we say that they are; financialization, militarism, chaotization and narcotization (Esteche – Dagorret)[1]. To different extents and according to the contexts, some of these vectors sometimes become clearer than others. But generally, one can always find them present. ...

Sputnik interviewed UWI author Mehmet Perinçek on BRICS. In the interview Mehmet Perinçek shared his views on the expansion of BRICS, possibility of Türkiye joining the organization, joint currency project of the organization, the need for a “central strategy” and that BRICS could be an alternative also for Europe. UWI translated the interview, including the introductory part of Sputnik, from ...

Negotiations in the Caucasus between Armenia and Azerbaijan continue. But due to the great geopolitical importance of the region, outside powers, especially the United States and the European Union, intervene in the process, seeking, according to experts, to encircle Russia. Armenian and Azerbaijani leaders Nikol Pashinian and Ilham Aliyev met informally on the sidelines of an unofficial summit of the ...

Parallel to the developments in the world, last week in Türkiye was marked by heated discussions. The arrest of 34 people allegedly working for the Mossad in Türkiye was at the top of the agenda. Türkiye’s refusal to allow the passage of minelayers that the United Kingdom wanted to send to Ukraine via the Black Sea through the Straits was ...

United World International author Mehmet Perinçek gave an interview to the newspaper of the Azerbaijani Presidential Administration “Bakinsky Rabochy” about the neocolonial policy of France and events in Africa. We present the interview, published in Russian, to our readers translated into English. ————– Local and regional socio-political processes occurring in different parts of the planet are echoes of one global ...

To understand what is at stake in Bab-al-Mandeb, we first need to understand the impact of the situation on global trade. World seaborne trade Today, approximately 90% of the world’s trade is conducted by sea. Alfred Mahan, the renowned strategist considered the father of naval dominance theory, likened seas to highways. Seas are the widest and uninterrupted highways on the ...

Italy under the ‘sovereigntist’ Meloni has followed through on what had already been announced, as well as widely anticipated, and has notified China of its withdrawal from the Silk Road. In this regard, as reported by the media, the Italian government has delivered an official note to China to communicate the intention to exit the agreement. The move was preceded ...

Just one day before the terror attack in Iran’s city of Kerman which killed more than 100 people, the Turkish authorities arrested 34 people alleged to cooperated with the Israeli Secret Service MOSSAD. The Turkish counter-terrorism operation was labeled “mole” and pursued jointly by state attorney, police and National Intelligence Organization (MIT). The Minister of Interior, Ali Yerlikaya stated that ...

The Iranian Mehr News Agency conducted an interview with UWI author Dr. Mehmet Perinçek for the martyrdom anniversary of General Qasem Soleimani. The interview, published originally in Turkish, has been translated into English by UWI. Qasem Soleimani’s struggle for Palestine How do you evaluate the role of Martyr Soleimani in keeping the Palestinian issue alive? The success of the Palestinian ...