Turkish youth shakes global media with its protest action. On September 3rd, 15 members of the Vatan Party’s youth wing, Vanguard Youth, put a hood on the head of a US soldier in the Turkish city of Izmir. The US soldiers were stationed on the USS Wasp, the largest assault ships in the American fleet, docked at Izmir Port. Following ...

Reinforcing encirclement of China and declaration of “Japan as a military imperialist country”. By Takai Hiroyuki What is the “postwar international order”? During his visit to the U.S. in April, Prime Minister Kishida Fumio made the following remarks in a speech to the U.S. Congress. “The U.S. shaped the international order in the postwar world through economic, diplomatic, military, and ...

Posted by by United World International 19 Min Read September 5, 2024 by Yunus Emre Özgün A/Secretary General of the World Anti-Imperialist Youth Union & A/Head of International Relations Bureau of the Youth Union of Türkiye (TGB) As human beings, the states can only be as sovereign as the area of independence they gain. Political power is the primary apparatus ...

A defeat for the federal governing coalition, and the establishment of new political actors stand out. By Şafak Erdem On September 1st, the German states of Saxony and Thuringia went to the polls. With voter turnout at 74.3% in Saxony and 73.6% in Thuringia, here are five key observations from the election results. 1. No party can form the government ...

Terrorists sabotaged the electricity grid in Venezuela. Here’s the dialogue in one of Caracas’ households. By Sergio Rodriguez Gelfenstein, Caracas / Venezuela Terrorist forces caused last Friday, the 30th blackout of more than 9 that affected the Caracas area as well as a major part of Venezuela. In my house too, the lights went off, there was no electricity, no ...

The Azerbaijani MP warns against foreign meddling, while the Armenian journalist expresses optimism for reconciliation. By Tehran Tapdigov, Baku / Azerbaijan The new realities created by the Second Karabakh War have also prompted countries to consider peace. After the conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia ended, the two countries began working towards peace. However, certain powers that do not want peace ...

Brazil’s Supreme Court upholds X ban By Brian Mier, reporting from Recife, Brazil Millions of Brazilians woke up on August 31 in a country without X, after the Supreme Court ordered the national telecommunications agency to block the social media platform. This move culminated over a year of X’s refusal to follow Brazil’s telecommunications laws, particularly those requiring deplatforming of ...

Agenda of Egyptian President Sisi’s visit to Türkiye. By Islam Farag, reporting from Cairo, Egypt Last February, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan visited Egypt, a remarkable development given years of friction between the two countries. During his important visit, Cairo and Ankara signed several agreements in the fields of tourism, culture and education. At that time, the two presidents agreed ...

Interview to Russian news agency RIA Novosti Rightfully, Azerbaijan has reacted harshly to the double standards of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, UWI author Mehmet Perinçek told Russian state news agency RIA Novosti. The country banned the entry of those PACE deputies who voted against the ratification of the powers of the republic’s delegation in the organization. ...

On Israel’s military, economic, diplomatic and demographic situation. By Onur Sinan Güzaltan UWI author political scientist Onur Sinan Güzaltan evaluated on the current situation of Israel in a broader internal, regional and global context, covering the nature of Israel’s policies, its supporters, it’s shattered image in the world as well as China and Russia’s position. Two kinds of protest in ...