The organization “Muslim Interaktiv” made a demonstration on 29th April in Hamburg and shook Germany. The demonstration was about Gaza. However, not only that: the demonstration praised the “caliphate” and referred to it as a solution to the problems Muslims are suffering from. Chancellor Olaf Scholz stated, “All criminal offenses must be prosecuted”. Interior Minister Nancy Faeser called the demonstration ...

Seeing thousands of students protesting on the campus of the University of California in Berkeley, located in the city of Berkeley, California, reminded us of the buildings we studied in forty years ago. California already harbored the most progressive segments of American society. It was a region that always stood up whenever the US created turmoil with imperialist intentions. We ...

By Abbas Djuma The chairman of Türkiye’s Vatan Party speaks about the influence of the US, Palestine, and Israel, and the future of NATO When I told some of my colleagues and experts on Türkiye that I was going to Istanbul to visit the chairman of Türkiye’s Patriotic Party (Vatan Partisi), Doğu Perinçek, the reactions were mixed. They ranged from ...

Following Iran’s missile strike on Israel’s military and security zones, the regime was left with no choice but to remain silent in the face of Iran, paving the way for an event on which many political experts agreed upon, namely the redefinition of Middle Eastern political structures. By acquiescing to Iran’s harsh response to the regime’s aggression against its diplomatic ...

By Hend Selim Dr. Ahmad Mezab, the Expert in military and security issues and crisis management, Consultant at Africa Geopolitics Center for Studies and former President of the Algerian-African Peace Committee has talked about the colonial powers’ interests in Africa, anti-France and ani-America waves in Africa, the future of ECOWAS and recent coups in West African countries. How do you ...

By Davide Rossi * From 5 to 10 May 2024, Chinese President Xi Jinping will be in Europe with a three-stop visit. He arrived in the old continent on May 5, the day the philosopher and economist great Karl Marx was born in Trier, Germany, in 1818. Last glimmers of dialogue The only window open for an attempt at dialogue ...

News circulating on social media says that an assassination attempt targeted Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. As proof, media presents a video of burning cars on the streets of Riyadh. Others investigated that these images are footage of a car accident from 16 March this year. “The US really wants bin Salman gone” United World International asked Abbas Djuma, ...

May 7 commemorates the seventieth anniversary of the victory of the Vietnamese people in the battle of Dien Bien Phu, which ended French colonial power throughout the Indochinese peninsula. This battle, together with the Algerian war of independence concluded in 1962 and the battle of Cuito Cuanavale that ended in November 1988 due to the joint action of the Cuban-Angolan ...

By Jörg Kronauer Is the debate about nuclear armament in the EU moving into the next round? There are some indications that this is the case. Last week, Poland’s President Andrzej Duda declared that his country was prepared to station US nuclear weapons on its territory. On Friday evening, his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron said that France was offering to ...

Hamas has accepted a ceasefire deal proposed by Egypt and Qatar. But Israel says, it will continue to operate in Gaza despite Hamas’ response to the deal. So, the drama will go on for some times. It is a very sad saga, because an official familiar with Israeli thinking says Israeli officials are examining the cease-fire proposal approved by Hamas. ...