It has become clear that the successive developments in the Middle East region imposed “urgent needs” on the countries of the Middle East. These were translated into intense consultations between the major countries in the region on the Palestinian issue, and the Gaza war came to highlight a rare moment of harmony between these countries regarding the rejection of the ...

On May 14, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin appointed Andrey Belousov as Minister of Defense, who previously worked as First Deputy Prime Minister. For many, this was an unexpected appointment, some expected the reappointment of Sergei Shoigu, others bet that a person from military circles would become the new minister. But Andrey Belousov is a civil minister, an ...

By Fikret Akfırat Following Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s visits to Baghdad and Erbil on April 22, the Iraq-Türkiye Development Road Project gained international attention and is currently being discussed from a number of angles. Beyond its economic aspect, the main focus of the talks will be the adjustments it will make to regional balances. Analyzing how the Development Road ...

By Tahran Oruçoğlu, Baku, Azerbaijan The history of tension between Azerbaijan and France is not new. France was one of the three co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group, which was created to normalize relations and achieve peace between Azerbaijan and Armenia. However, during the conflict, the Minsk Group did nothing to solve the problem. After Azerbaijan ensured its territorial integrity, ...

UWI author, historian and political scientist Mehmet Perinçek evaluated the meeting between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin on May 16. Exceptionally close How do you evaluate the meeting between Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping in Beijing in general? Recently, there has been an exceptionally close relationship between China and Russia. After the presidential election, Xi Jinping ...

By Ljubodrag Simonovic, Belgrade, Serbia * The theory of “the obsolescence of man” has become one of the most aggressive social and anthropological theories in the contemporary world, reckoning with man as a human and natural being. The established ideological sphere of capitalism produces an anthropological model that becomes the basis of man’s self-understanding. Instead of arriving at the idea ...

By Tahran Oruçoğlu, Baku, Azerbaijan French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin said Azerbaijan was interfering in France’s internal affairs. He noted that “some independence leaders (from New Caledonia) have reached an agreement with Azerbaijan.” However, Azerbaijan’s Foreign Ministry said Baku had never taken such a step and would not take it. Answering our questions on the subject, the founder and editor-in-chief ...

In 2023, the People’s Republic of China purchased 91% of the oil produced by Iran. Anxious with that, US President Biden is working on passing a law to impose sanctions on China for its oil purchases from Iran. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, Iran has transformed into a construction site. What we see is an extraordinary development in the economy. In ...

Georgia and Armenia, which opened their doors to the West, received mass protests, clashes and chaos, United World International author Mehmet Perinçek has stated. “What is happening today in two South Caucasian countries, Georgia and Armenia, which have opened their doors to the West? Mass protests, clashes, chaos,” Perinçek told Russian news agency RIA Novosti. At the same time, the ...

By Orçun Göktürk/ Beijing, China Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Europe for the first time in 5 years. Xi’s visit to France, Serbia and Hungary from May 5 to 10 occurred in the shadow of the Ukraine war. Coming on the heels of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s visit to China last month, the visit is seen as a defining moment ...