On May 23-24, the international “Second Europe-Asia: Dialogue of Civilizations Conference” was held in the Russian city of Perm on the Europe-Asia border. Statesmen, politicians, diplomats, and experts from various regions of the Eurasian continent participated in the Conference. Leading countries of Eurasia gathered The Eurasian Dialogue group of the Russian Parliament and the ruling party United Russia organized the ...

UWI author and political scientist Onur Sinan Güzaltan was a guest on Turkish On4 TV’s broadcast. Güzaltan shared his assessments on regional and global confrontation and potential political developments in light of Israel’s recent attack on Rafah. “Israel lost credibility and legitimacy” How do you evaluate Israel’s latest attack on Rafah? Firstly, the entire world agrees that Israel is committing ...

Several readers have written to me, asking whether a third world war is imminent and inevitable. The dilemma established with the beginning of the nuclear age after the dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945 has always been present. But today, it has been brought to the forefront of public concern of citizens of all ...

Historians describe the 1789 French Revolution as a “rupture”. The political, economic, and cultural upheaval that occurred in France following the Storming of the Bastille, which shook the world, is described as a “rupture”, a radical break from the established order. Today, we are in the midst of a significant global rupture process. Chinese President Xi Jinping, in his meeting ...

By Mehmet Yuva “There are many truths in life, but death is the absolute reality. Death is closer than your jugular vein. The causes may differ, but death is singular. And every living being will taste death.” We extend our condolences to the people of Iran. The accidental or illness-related death, or assassination, of a head of state and accompanying ...

By Gökalp Erbaş Ever since Gagauzia declared itself an independent republic in 1990 and gained the status of an autonomous regional administration through an article added to the Moldovan constitution in 1994, it has not experienced risk-free, danger-free, stable times. The region has always been turbulent, but in these times when regional crises have again come to the fore of ...

The telegram channel Caucasian Bureau has sought the opinion of United World International author Mehmet Perinçek, after comments appeared in the Western media that Azerbaijan may have played a role in the downing of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi’s helicopter. United World International has translated Mehmet Perinçek’s response, published in Russian, into English. A couple of cheap fakes, opinions of some ...

The Georgian government has enacted the law of “Transparency of Foreign Influence”. The government asserts the law to be restricting foreign influence undermining the sovereignty of the state, while the opposition fiercely stands against it by claiming that the law would be a great harm to freedom of speech and democracy. We conducted an interview with Shota Apkhaidze, Georgian political ...

Last week, I was appointed by the Ministry of Culture of Venezuela to represent our country in the 35th. Tehran International Book Fair. On this occasion, the Venezuelan delegation was led by Omar Rangel, president of Monte Ávila Ediciones Latinoamericanas. I attended the event as a writer for that prestigious Venezuelan publishing house. In Venezuela’s second participation in the Tehran ...

By Prof. Dr. Fernando Esteche When the social movements built the political tool MAS-IPSP (Movement towards Socialism – Political Instrument of the Sovereignty of the People), it was clear that political sovereignty fell to a conglomerate of movements or organizations that had their own logic for constructing representation. Without fear of being adventurous, we can say that in Bolivia, like ...