Nelson Mandela, Fidel Castro, Muammar Gaddafi, and Yasser Arafat shared a mutual interest in opposing Western imperialism and supporting global liberation movements. By Dr. Halim Gençoğlu Yasser Arafat, Palestinian leader Nobel Peace Prize winner, president of the Palestine Liberation Organization with Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi The widespread and multifaceted support for Nelson Mandela during his imprisonment underscores the global nature ...

By Dr. Halim Gençoğlu Yasser Arafat, Palestinian leader Nobel Peace Prize winner, president of the Palestine Liberation Organization with Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi The widespread and multifaceted support for Nelson Mandela during his imprisonment underscores the global nature of the anti-apartheid movement and highlights the collective effort required to dismantle such a deeply entrenched system of racial discrimination. The relationships ...

By Mohammed Sabreen, Cairo / Egypt The task was not very difficult for Russia under Vladimir Putin, the new Tsar in the Kremlin, in restoring old relations in the Middle East, and even winning new friends, whether in Iran or the Gulf states, most notably the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The recipe was not complicated, but rather a little patience ...

By Gökalp Erbaş The foreign agent law, as it is known in the public opinion, appears under different names and scopes in the laws of each country where it is in force. Although it came into force in the Russian Federation in 2012 and a similar law was discussed in Ukraine in 2014, it is actually a much older law. ...

On June 21, the founding meeting of a new organization, the Association of Cities and Municipalities of the BRICS+ countries, took place in the Russian city of Kazan. The meeting of the new body was attended by more than 200 mayors, vice-mayors and leaders of associations of municipalities of the BRICS states and cooperating countries: Russia, China, India, South Africa, ...

Our graphic summarizes him as former Chairman of the Social Democratic Party of Germany and the countries former Minister of Finance. More than that, Oskar Lafontaine was the social democrat’s candidate for Chancellor in 1990. Not an easy task, given that on that year, the two Germanys reunited. Lafontaine lost the elections – but maintained his political activities till today. ...

While Private Ryan prepared with great fanfare his show in Normandy, on the Eastern Front, with total discretion, the Soviet high command began to prepare the operation that would ultimately prove decisive in the outcome of the Second World War. On April 22, 1944, a meeting was held in Moscow to organize the summer-autumn campaign. Although in the battles of ...

The Russian Investigative Committee reported that 19 people, including 15 police officers and 4 civilians, were killed in armed attacks on June 23 in the cities of Makhachkala and Derbent in the Dagestan region. The Committee also shared that two of three terrorists involved in the attack are sons and the other is nephew of the head of the Sergekola ...

By Ali Rıza Taşdelen After the expected defeat in the European Parliament elections, President Emmanuel Macron decided to dissolve the National Assembly and call for early elections. The first round of general elections will take place on June 30 and a week later comes the second. Currently, three election fronts have emerged: the Nationalists, the Social Democrats, and Macron’s weakened ...

By Fernando Esteche This week’s coup attempt in Bolivia has shaken not only the country but the entire continent, raising eyebrows even in Eurasia. This is due to the fact that the Bolivian government represents a path to independence, self-determination and industrialization in the so-called US backyard. Very soon after its failure, voices emerged in the country that claimed that ...