By Prof. Dr. Fernando Esteche When the social movements built the political tool MAS-IPSP (Movement towards Socialism – Political Instrument of the Sovereignty of the People), it was clear that political sovereignty fell to a conglomerate of movements or organizations that had their own logic for constructing representation. Without fear of being adventurous, we can say that in Bolivia, like ...

By Orçun Göktürk/ Beijing, China Russian leader Putin was the last guest of honor at the Great Hall of the People in Tiananmen Square, the heart of Beijing. In France during Xi’s European tour, Macron and von der Leyen said “use your influence on Moscow and stop Russian aggression”, to which Xi responded by calling Putin a “sincere comrade”. “No-Limits ...

French colonialism had profound and multifaceted impacts on African people across a vast geographical expanse, from Senegal to Madagascar, and from Algeria to Congo. French colonialism often prioritized economic gain for France at the expense of African populations. This exploitation took various forms, including forced labor, land expropriation, and unequal trade practices that favored French interests. African resources, such as ...