Last week, in response to the Israeli atrocities in Gaza, Türkiye announced that it decided to completely sever economic ties with Israel. The meeting between the government and the main opposition leader after many years received a large press and public attention. Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan also made important statements in his broad interview with Al Arabiya. Decision to fully ...

An outstanding statesman and national leader of the Azerbaijani people, Heydar Aliyev was born 101 years ago on May 10. Aliyev left a significant trace in the history of not only Azerbaijan but also many other countries. His contribution to political and cultural life of Russia is also significant. His human qualities are known not only in the Turkic world, ...

Aydınlık newspaper and Ulusal Kanal TV channel from Türkiye met with Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic Foreign Minister Mohamed Sidati. Sidati answered questions of journalists Kıvanç Özdal and Ali Rıza Taşdelen at the Boujdour Refugee Camp of the Polisario Front on the border of Algeria and Western Sahara. From Spanish colonialism to Moroccan occupation Kıvanç Özdal: Today here is taking place ...