Since the US-backed coup attempt on July 15, 2016, the Justice and Development Party (AKP) government has shifted its focus towards Eastern countries. In this period, cooperation in energy, economic, political, and even military fields has been developed with countries in the region, primarily Russia and Iran. However, the AKP government has failed to develop an economic model alternative US-centered ...

By Mehmet Yuva Syrian President Bashar al-Assad met with members of the Central Committee of the Syrian Ba’ath Party on January 16. Urgent issues of the country, as well as various current global topics, especially Palestine, were discussed in the meeting. A few days after the meeting, by presidential decree, Syria’s National Security Chief (former General Intelligence Director) Ali Mamlouk ...

Argentina witnessed last week a general strike in response to recently elected President Javier Milei’s initiatives to cut back the state, subsidies and liberalize the economy. We spoke to Fernando Esteche, professor at the University of La Plata in Buenos Aires, about the participation in the strike and its immediate political results. How was the participation in the general strike? ...

On January 15, in the ice-covered state of Iowa, a crucial election took place that will influence the destiny of not only the US but also the entire world in November 2024. This election, which could be considered as a prelude to the Republican Party’s primaries, saw Donald Trump unequivocally declaring himself as the Republican Party’s presidential candidate for the ...

By Ljubodrag Simonović, Belgrade, Serbia * In order to understand the nature of Tesla’s inventions and the myth surrounding him, one must consider the social conditions in the United States at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, during which Tesla lived and worked. This was a time of intense industrialization and the development of ...

Argentina has witnessed this week a general strike that might constitute the start of a long struggle after Javier Milei took office as president of the country. The following article describes Milei’s program. It has been first published in Spanish on PiaGlobal and translated to English by UWI. By Oscar Rotundo, Buenos Aires, Argentina * From dollarization, which would mean ...

UWI author, Doctor of Historical Sciences, representative of the Vatan (Patriotic) Party Mehmet Perinçek, in an interview with Russian, called Ankara’s agreement to Sweden’s entry into NATO “a betrayal of the Turkish people” due to serious disagreements and conflicts with NATO. Among such problems, he named the Alliance’s position towards the PKK and the Palestinian issue. “The expansion of ...

The triumphant Chinese revolution in 1949 introduced new variables for the construction of its own thought. Before, the philosophy of the country had emerged from the 6th and 5th centuries BC, with It’s main but not only exponents in Confucius and Laozi. Since 1949, China’s long history is full of innovative research and opinions in search of wisdom, the value ...

The humanity has left behind another tough year with many significant challenges. At the end of 2023 Palestinians raised the flag of revolt of oppressed nations against the oppressor world. Throughout the year, Russia’s achievements in Ukraine, led deep divisions on the West. France’s expulsion from Africa, the resolution of hitches in Karabakh, Syria’s return to the Arab League, the ...

The loss of 12 soldiers in an attack by the PKK terrorist organization in northern Iraq last week was the first issue on Türkiye’s agenda. Another development was that for the first time in history, a Turkish citizen travelled in space. In accordance with international developments, the other issue on the agenda was the approval of the Turkish Grand National ...