A delegation of the Communist Party of Switzerland visited China in mid-May. The delegation led by Massimiliano Arif Ay, General Secretary of the Party, met and exchanged views with many Chinese individuals, organizations and institutions. The party also had talks with its Chinese counterpart, the Communist Party of China. Massimiliano Arif Ay answered our questions about the visit. What topics ...
By Ljubodrag Simonović, Belgrade /Serbia * Yoga has become an integral part of Western civilization. What has enabled yoga to permeate all areas of social life is its ability to diminish the critical and transformative relationship of man towards the ruling order and bind him to the existing world. In contemporary capitalism, yoga has become one of the most important ...
By Orçun Göktürk The 20th Shangri-La Dialogue, held in Singapore from June 2 to 4, revealed important clues about US strategy for NATO expansion in the Asia-Pacific. Originally Chinese, the word Shangri-La means “heaven on earth” or “utopia”. Some have called the meeting “Asia’s Munich Security Summit”. The organizer is the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), a London-based “think ...
June 14 marks the 95th. anniversary of the birth of Commandante Ernesto Che Guevara, who is eternally remembered for his moral and human greatness, for his skills as a military and political leader, his integrity and revolutionary ethics, but to a lesser extent (especially outside of Cuba) for his outstanding condition as a statesman when he held high positions in ...
By Yiğit Saner, reporting from Rome / Italy These are the last years of the Cold War. Italy is preparing for a new phase of capitalism in anticipation of a profound political, institutional, social and cultural change determined by many cross factors following the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. The 1992 elections show that a turning point is ...
United World International continues publishing papers that were presented to the Global Multipolarity Confernce held on April 29. The conference was organized by Nova Resistência (Brazil), the New International Order Initiative (Türkiye), the International Eurasian Movement (Russia), the Thinkers’ Forum (China) and the International Russophile Movement. Today we present the speech of Alexander Cameron Ross (Australia) – political scientist, commentator ...
There is a saying made famous by my dear older irreplaceable journalist and author Uğur Mumcu, who was assassinated by Gladio: “Having an opinion without knowledge!” The ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius penned the following version of this proverb in the second book of “The Analects”: “Learning without pondering is pointless. It is risky to think without studying”. Plato, who lived ...
By Recep Erçin After an intense election marathon, Türkiye focused on the economy. The question mark on the minds after the selection of the economic management by President Erdoğan is whether the Turkish Economic Model will be abandoned or not! Türkiye experienced a “bright” period with the IMF policies implemented after the 2000s. When we look at what it was ...
By Douglas Bolivar, Caracas / Venezuela Juan Carlos Valdez served as Venezuela’s ambassador to Barbados between 2007 and 2010. He is a lawyer by profession and an economist by practice for more than 30 years. He is a member of the national leadership of the Patria Para Todos (PPT) party and organization secretary for the state of Miranda. Together with ...
On June 2, I arrived in Argentina in order to carry out a promotional tour of my most recent book written once again together with my Argentine colleague and friend Jorge Elbaum. This work, entitled “From Atlanticism to the Eurasian pole: The conflict in Ukraine as an announcement of a new global configuration” comes to be a trilogy together with ...