The meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and China’s President Xi Jinping on March 20 has been the most widely reported and commented meeting of the last few months. The meeting was characterized not only by the meeting of the heads of two powerful states, but also by the “personal bond” of the two leaders and the abundance of issues ...

By Ana Laura Dagorret / reporting from Rio da Janerio, Brazil * The governments of Brazil and China have advanced in negotiations so that trade and investment between the two countries can be carried out directly between the Real and the Yuan. Said agreement intends to exclude the US dollar as a reference currency in transactions between the two giants, ...

By Michael Roberts * Bank stock prices have stabilized at the start of last week. And all the key officials at the Federal Reserve, the US Treasury and the European Central Bank are reassuring investors that the crisis is over. Last week, Fed Chair Jerome Powell called the U.S. banking system “strong and resilient” and there was no risk of a banking ...

The Greek authorities announced this week the arrest of two Pakistani migrant land workers in Greece who were accused of planning a terrorist attack against a Jewish restaurant in central Athens, a restaurant which is serving also as a synagogue (sic). The supposed terrorists were receiving orders from a compatriot of them leaving in Iran, who, in his turn, received ...