The President of China mentioned “changes not seen in 100 years” while his counterpart Putin was seeing him off. The ongoing US-Russia war in Ukraine, the rising de-dolarization, the bankruptcy of Credit Suisse bank and shaky German banks, riots in European capitals, the revival in Africa, China’s diplomatic breakthrough in West Asia… Yes, just as Xi Jinping said, the world ...

For the first time since February 2022, critics of the current EU and NATO policies towards Ukraine and Russia have held an international conference on the very premises of the European Parliament, in Brussels, the capital of both the EU and NATO, on March 20, focused on “confidence-building measures in the face of acute polarization in Europe”. It has led ...

While the conflict in Ukraine continues, the world discusses more and more the transition to multipolarity. Latin America is a field of conflict as well on that transition, with the US opposing the economic and military presence of extra continental powers such as Russia and China. We spoke on the Latin American perspective on the Ukraine conflict with Rubén Zardoya, ...

Muharrem İnce, the leader of the Homeland Party, has become the third presidential candidate for the May 14 elections. He followed Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the leader of the People’s Alliance and Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, the leader of the Nation Alliance. İnce was a former Republican People’s Party (CHP) member and the party’s presidential candidate in the 2018 presidential elections. He founded ...

Global developments are changing the world, and the former unipolar world, aimed at the benefit of the United States, is cracking. States are adjusting to the new realities, including the Ukrainian conflict and its possible consequences. In particular, legislative changes have affected the direct participant in the Ukrainian events – Russia, where a new Foreign Policy Concept was presented in ...

By Ana Laura Dagorret* Trump’s arrest in New York was probably one of the top news stories of the week. Major media outlets in the United States and around the world reflected the event with live broadcasts, analysis from legal and political specialists and speculation about the former president’s future ahead of next year’s elections. However, the story was more ...

Three issues stood out last week on Türkiye’s electoral agenda: The PKK terrorist organization’s statement on the elections; new negotiations within the electoral alliances and Erdoğan’s economic measures towards the elections. PKK calls to overthrow Erdoğan The PKK, responsible for the deaths of more than 40,000 people with terrorist acts in Türkiye since the early 1980s, has announced its decision ...

There is a lot of diplomacy evolving around the Kosovo in the recent weeks. Among increasing tensions and even threats of clashes, negotiations between the Kosovar authorities and Serbia have started. The European Union plays a crucial role in mediating these. At the same time, hosting the biggest US military base in Europe, Kosovo is also considered a piece in ...

By Can Çakır According to the results of the latest election poll conducted by Unique Research and commissioned by the Austrian news magazine Profil, the Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ) is in first place with 31%. According to the poll, the FPÖ is ahead of the Social Democratic Party (25%) and Chancellor Karl Nehammer’s Austrian People’s Party (22%). United World ...

I have been in Urumqi, the capital of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, for a week. It snowed two days long, but now spring is in full bloom. It is invigorating with a blue sky that is rarely seen in Shanghai and fresh clean air. During the holy month of Ramadan, we are in a society that fulfills the obligations ...