France is witnnesing widespread protests against NATO in the recent weeks. Behind these are repeated calls to leave the military alliance. The Solidarité and Progres Party has also presented such a call, which has been signed by citizens and several retired members of the armed forces. The call is presented below in English translation. For the original text in French ...

By Dr. Najm al-Ahmad Minister of Justice of the Syrian Arab Republic 2012 – 2017, Professor at the Faculty of Law in Damascus University The illegal intervention of the United States in Syria internal affairs can be evaluated altogether as a political, economic and legal issue. The acts of the United States are not based on any legal legitimacy. They can ...

We can say that what is still wrongly considered the largest party of the Italian left has reached the end of its parabola: From the largest communist party in the western world to a liberal formation of US derivation. In the last primary elections to decide on the new leadership, Elly Schlein was elected as secretary. Schlein managed to get ...