What the testimony of Damon Wilson, President of the National Endowment for Democracy, before the US Congress tells. By Serdar Üsküplü * During the March 28, 2023 session of the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, Damon Wilson, President of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), admitted under oath that they had interfered in the May 14, 2023 elections in ...

Posted by by United World International 6 Min Read August 27, 2024 By Deniz Yıldırım The energy crisis, rising food and rent prices, the highest inflation in the last 70 years… The cost of supporting Ukraine is becoming more burdensome every day. Since February 2022, the German government has allocated approximately 34 billion euros in support to Ukraine and Ukrainians. ...

With effects far beyond the bilateral relations. Here’s some points of them. By Tehran Tapdigov, Baku, Azerbaijan * On August 22-23, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, his wife Mehriban Aliyeva and their daughter Leyla Aliyeva visited Uzbekistan. Aliyev, who was officially welcomed by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, participated in many official events in Uzbekistan. The ...

This new alliance risks raising tensions and further dividing the country. Libya is teetering on the brink of a new escalation, with the chances of holding general elections to unite the country’s west and east dwindling. Western powers, led by Italy, France and the United Kingdom, are suspected of trying to split Libya by fueling separatist movements and seeking access ...

In the distant future, China will start to see Türkiye as a competitor and try to limit Ankara’s influence, says the US expert. By Tehran Tapdigov, Baku, Azerbaijan Armenia drifting westwards, Azerbaijan applying officially for BRICS membership, Russian President Putin making one of his rare travels to Baku, turmoil in Georgia and a steady balance of tension and cooperation between ...

Parts of the agreement may provide an example to follow in Turkish-Syrian negotiations. By Yunus Soner Last week, Türkiye and Iraq signed an agreement on military and security. We asked Ceyhun Bozkurt, Turkish international politics expert, about the content and the effects of the agreement. To begin with, what is the content of the agreement? On August 15, Türkiye and ...

Experts comment on Azerbaijan’s application for BRICS membership. By Tehran Tapdigov, Baku, Azerbaijan Russian President Vladimir Putin, who visited Azerbaijan on August 18-19, discussed many issues of the region with Azerbaijani leader Ilham Aliyev. Many intergovernmental documents were signed. After the meeting, Azerbaijan submitted an application to the organization for membership in BRICS. The fact that the Russian leader invited ...

Russia’s perspective on developments in the Middle East. West Asia is going through historic days. The assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh by Israel in Tehran is on the world agenda. Iran’s response is being discussed. Meanwhile Türkiye and Syria are likely to take steps towards normalisation after 11 years. How does Russia view the developments in West Asia? I ...

The US and NATO may instigate a major conflict. Türkiye must stay out of it. Ahmet Süha Umar, retired Turkish ambassador, wrote a column on NATO’s declaration following the summit in Washington. Based also on his own experiences, Umar observes how NATO turned out to be an organization of aggression after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Umar discusses some ...

On the recent agreement between Türkiye and Iraq, the Ukrainian Kursk Offensive and Israel’s provocations against Iran. West Asia is living tectonic shifts at all of its corners, from the Palestine conflict over the Iranian-Israeli tensions, from Turkish-Iraqi agreements to rapprochement between Ankara and Damascus and its repercussions in the Ukraine conflict. We asked Ismail Hakkı Pekin, retired lieutenant-general of ...