On the coup attempt in Congo, elections in Chad and developments in the Sahel

By Hend Selim

Dr. Mohamed Torshin, writer and researcher in the African affairs has spoken to UWI about expected developments in the Democratic Republic of Congo after the last coup attempt, the presidential election that witnessed chaos, postponing the parliamentary election. He also has talked about the curse of resources in Congo and how the colonial powers exploit conflicts in Africa to serve their interests and if the European aid will support people in African countries. Dr. Torshin has spoken about the purpose of recent military maneuvers by some African countries. 


Coup attempt in Congo

American citizens were captured in connection with the attempted coup led by the Congolese-American politician, businessman, and military officer Christian Malanga in the Democratic Republic of Congo. What was the purpose of the coup attempt?

The late former officer in the Congolese army Christian Malanga was a Congolese citizen and had the American citizenship. Also, the arrested people are Congolese and have American passports. The Democratic Republic of Congo is suffering from long-term political unrest since it has gained independence from Belgium. Congo has been suffering from secessionist attempts weather Katanga, coups or even civil war that lasted for a long period. The country has moved toward relative stability and peaceful transfer of power after Joseph Kabila has ceded power to Félix Tshisekedi, the current president. But the situation is still complicated in the Eastern Congo due to M23 rebellion’s activities.

I think this coup has come within the framework of the erosion of the establishment. The President Félix Tshisekedi has got a second presidential term, but he could not form the government. There are division and sharp difference of views between the ruling powers.

How do you expect the developments in Congo to continue in the light of the presidential election that witnessed chaos, postponing the parliamentary election and disagreements within the ruling party?

The election was under relative strong competition under a president who had a second presidential term and a very complicated reality which led to an election that may be incomplete as large areas of Congolese territory are not subject to the Congolese central government’s authorities as well as a huge number of citizens have not voted.

There is a very big challenge facing the parliamentary election and postponing the election is a real problem because M23 rebellion has activities in wide spaces. Simultaneously, the division within the ruling party has complicated the political scene. Hence, I expect these circumstances will be reflected in more division within the establishment, which may lead military groups to launch any military coup if the President could not manage the disagreement within the establishment and reach understandings with neighboring countries such as Uganda and Rwanda in regard to support M23 rebellion.

There are conflicts among armed groups to dominate lands, minerals and diamonds in the east. How will those conflicts influence the situation in Congo?

Congo is suffering from the resource curse. It is one of very rich countries that possesses rare mineral wealth. Especially several minerals cannot be found in many African countries. Thus, many companies and groups that have interests in the context related to minerals, have contributed to provoke conflicts in Congo. Hence, all these conflicts will always undermine the stability. Congo has not witnessed stability since gaining the independence.

Also, the situation is complicated although there is an elected government; there is a very huge number of armed groups. I expect that as a result of those resources and as a result the central government’s failure to manage those resources and wealth, the door has been opened to all greedy entities that want to obtain those resources directly through the investment or indirectly by financing armed groups to dominate some sectors or geographic areas with enormous wealth to explore and acquire the riches.

To what extent will the colonial powers exploit the conflicts and tension in the Democratic Republic of Congo to serve their interests in the region?

The colonial powers are undoubtedly present in conflicts witnessed by the Democratic Republic of Congo and all African countries. The colonial powers have supported some parties to provoke division and cause fragmentation in Congo to gain easily and effortlessly resources. Colonial and non-colonial powers including the international powers will be present in those conflicts because Congo is a rich country while minerals contribute greatly to gross national product.


Cooperation in Sahel

Is there a possibility of establishing a political, economic and military union between Burkina Faos, Mali, Senegal and Niger, especially after the new Senegalese prime minister declared his visit to the Sahel’s countries?

I think the common destiny of the three countries (Burkina Faso, Niger and Mali) make them cooperate in many fields. We are noticing an attempt to make the military alliance successful, so that they can besiege and fight terrorist groups.

Senegal is now on the line after the President Bassirou Diomaye Faye’s victory and obtaining a presidential term. PASTEF, “the African Patriots of Senegal for Work, Ethics and Fraternity party”, that has come to the power and led by Bassirou, is known by its African nationalist attitudes. I think there will be great cooperation between Senegal and the three countries, especially since Senegal fully believes that the geographical surroundings are really important for its stability and the region’s stability.

Currently, the political union and even the military union are possible, but the economic union may face some challenges such as single currency and economic issues related to the Economic Community of West African States “ECOWAS”, especially Senegal is still a member of this conglomerate. If Senegal wants to leave ECOWAS, it needs decrees and alliances. I think the elite in Senegal will not easily leave the former colonial empire; there are mutual interests, but I do not exclude that choice in Bassirou’s presence in the power. 

Will France lose its influence on Senegal after the last election since the Senegalese President Bassirou Diomaye Faye invites to review the French presence?

France has special relationship with Senegal that hosts French military bases. There is big French cultural impact on Senegal. There are economic partnerships. Hence, freedom from these factors, especially the cultural factor is very difficult, but the French military presence can be reconsidered.

Also, partnerships and agreements can be reconsidered, which require boldness and political powers with a national project. PASTEF “the African Patriots of Senegal for Work, Ethics and Fraternity party” led by Bassirou is able to break free from Franch influence, but they will clash with political and military elites and even the civil service elite that has interests with France. These policies may need time.

There is an unbridled desire in the street, but I think the state’s institutions are still sticking to the French presence. I think Africa will deal with all regional and international powers by measures that ensure its interests.  

Chad elections

How do you evaluate the Chad elections? Is it possible to attribute the results of the elections to the rising anti-France/US wave in the African continent?

Chad’s presidential election has resulted in the victory of Mohamed Idriss Deby which was an expected result, but we cannot talk about that election as a real one without doubt about. there are several notes about the election process. The election was widely boycotted by some political powers and civil society organizations. Also, the government and some armed movements such as Front for Change and Concord in Chad have not reached any understandings. Hence, the election is incomplete, and we cannot confirm that it was 100% distinguished. But that election was an experience that can go ahead if the ruling elite or Muhammad Idris Deby is serious and has the ability to address failures and problems in Chad.

The popular current is a phenomenon dominating the whole world, not only Africa or some African countries. The opposition to colonial powers and the rise of popular forces is well known. There are voices against the French and American presence, but I think that they are far from the decision-making circle till present. All the new elites owe allegiance to France and the United States. I think those voices and the popular current are far from the decision-making circle and cannot influence the political scene in any case.

Europe and Africa

The European Commission is providing €201 million in EU humanitarian funding to address the needs of the most vulnerable people affected by the humanitarian crisis in Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Niger and Nigeria. To what extent will the aid support people in those countries?

Undoubtedly, the European Commission and the European Union have stopped many development projects and joint projects regarding to defense and security with the African Sahel’s countries. I think those sums will not provide stability to Niger, Nigeria and Cameron. I think those countries and all African countries have enormous resources but there is mismanagement in the absence of a development or renaissance project. For example, Nigeria is one of the largest oil exporting countries as well as one of the largest countries with human power, but there are high rates of poverty and lack of job opportunities for young people. I think dependence on the European support my be conditional on attempts to limit emigration.

If African countries utilize their economic capacity seriously, I believe that they will significantly revive and make the local environment stable as well as limit emigration, especially young people emigration abroad.


What is the purpose of the joint military maneuvers by Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, Chad, and Togo?

Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger have grand military alliances and the terrorist groups are active in the border triangle between the three countries. Chad is one of the countries influenced by those attacks. The expansion is expected to continue towards Togo because the regime is fragile and has continued for a long time as well as easy movement from Sahel countries and easy access to Togo. I think those countries carried out military maneuvers to send messages that they are present and capable of containing any activity to all greedy countries and terrorist groups.