Statement of Doğu Perinçek, Chairman of Türkiye’s Vatan (Patriotic) Party.
Statement of Doğu Perinçek, Chairman of Türkiye’s Vatan (Patriotic) Party.
By Doğu Perinçek, Chairman of Vatan (Patriotic) Party, Türkiye
We are watching with concern and inexpressible pain the intense violence in Syria and the massacre of our brothers and sisters from every nation, sect and religion.
The dreaminess of necromancy
The step-by-step disintegration of Syria in front of our eyes, and moreover its destruction and occupation as a state, paves the way for bloody developments and brings the threat of regional war to the agenda.
In this situation, the duties and responsibilities we owe to our nations and all of humanity are on our shoulders.
We must recognize that merely condemning these acts of violence or calling for humanity is as dreaminess as “necromancy”.
Israeli and US Administrations Implementing a Plan to Divide Syria
Israel is primarily responsible for the intense and planned violence in Syria. The Deep State of the US in particular is endeavoring to bring the Greater Middle East Project back from the grave. Trump’s strategy of focusing on the Eastern Mediterranean has also whetted the appetite of the Biden remnant globalist elements.
A plan is being implemented to make it impossible for the Syrian people of different sects, nationalities and religions to live together. For this purpose, armed conflicts are being provoked among the communities that make up the Syrian nation, and these conflicts are being transformed into deep enmities. In order to ensure that there is no armed authority in Syria to ensure security and peace, all forces, including the government in Damascus, are being worn down. Conditions are being created to strengthen US and Israeli control over the government of Ahmad Shara, who has taken power in Damascus. Especially among the Christian, Alawite, Druze and Kurdish masses, an environment is being developed that provokes demands for armed protection from Israel and the US. Therefore, conditions are being prepared to provide Israel with the opportunity to expand its occupation in Syria.
It is also noteworthy that these confrontations are being staged at a time when a process is underway in Türkiye for the PKK to lay down its arms following Öcalan’s call.
To summarize: We are confronted with an armed intervention that is breaking Syria’s national resistance through the incitement of conflicts that will make coexistence impossible. The Israeli and US plot also seeks to undermine international solidarity with Syria on the basis of sectarian and nationality differences. Today, the process of disintegration, authority gap and statelessness is on the agenda in Syria. Forcing the forces that will resist this to surrender, Israel and the US pose a serious threat not only to brotherly Syria, but to all countries in the region, and moreover to all humanity.
To all members of the Syrian nation, from all nationalities and sects: You are all targets
If we are to specify the goals of Israel and the US point by point:
- Their goal is to divide Syria, particularly to establish a “Second Israel” under the name “Kurdistan.” A “Kurdistan” established with US and Israeli weapons will not be the state of the Kurdish people. That puppet state will enslave Syrian Kurds and turn them into soldiers for Israel.
- Their goal is to detach the Druze and Alawites from Syria and its neighbors with pseudo-federal states that do not truly belong to them.
- Their goal is to force Syrian Turkmens to leave the country.
- Their goal is to suppress the Christian population in Syria, particularly its intellectual elite, and force them to flee the country.
- Their goal is to establish a weak statelet under the control of terrorist elements they have transported into Syria from outside, ruling Sunni-majority areas under the administration of Islamophobic ISIS elements.
- Their goal is to weaken and paralyze the patriotic Sunni elements who could ensure Syria’s unity and enable all its people to live together.
- Their goal is to limit the ability of Türkiye, Russia, Palestine, Iran, Iraq, and other Arab countries to support Syria’s unity and to create division and conflicts among these nations through Syria.
Accusations among Syrians and Syria’s allies serve the Israeli and US plan
First and foremost, it must be understood:
- The target is not any specific group within Syria, but the entire Syrian people and nation.
- The target is not just one of Syria’s neighbors, but all of them.
- The target is not just one independent and peace-seeking state in the region or the world, but all of them.
Under these circumstances, accusations among Syrians and Syria’s allies serve the common enemy. Therefore, from the Alawites to the Shara administration, from Türkiye to Iran, from Palestine to Russia, from the Arab and Islamic Union to the United Nations, everyone must see the common threat and stand shoulder to shoulder.
We must immediately put an end to mutual accusations and focus on stopping the escalating violence. We know this task is very difficult, but there is no other solution. Because if Syrians continue to slaughter each other and Syria’s allies continue to suspect each other, we will all face even greater and bloodier threats.
Syria’s unique civilizational heritage and modern revolutionary legacy provide a rich source of inspiration to stop the bloodshed and unite the Syrian nation.
All parties must courageously assess the situation and their capabilities
Yes, we understand taking up arms out of concern for defense. However, when we look at the picture of Syria today, it seems that no nationality or sect or organization has the power or position to bring peace to Syria with weapons.
However, the intensifying strife strengthens the need for an effective authority and calls that authority onto the stage of history.
Syria cannot be united by an external force. Syria can only be united by a power that bears the responsibility of state and government in Syria.
The only power that can put an end to the violence in Syria is a state authority that embraces the Syrian people as a whole. If the Syrian government fails to fulfill this duty, Israel and the United States, posing as the “saviors of the people,” will take the stage.
Attention to Provocateurs Inviting the Israeli Army
Certain Israeli agents in Latakia and Samandağ are calling upon the Israeli state, urging it to “come and save us,” effectively inviting Israeli military intervention. These reprehensible invitations are being orchestrated by pseudo-leftist organizations, the so-called Workers’ Party of Türkiye (TİP), and elements affiliated with Mihraç Ural, known for his ties to Israel. These actors have previously been responsible for instigating massacres against the Alawite community in Syria. We caution members of the pseudo-leftist groups involved in these conspiracies and the people of Hatay: do not allow these elements into your ranks and do not grant them any opportunity to act.
The Responsibility of the Syrian Administration
Under these circumstances, the Syrian administration faces a critical responsibility.
If the Shara administration does not mobilize government authority as the protector of the entire population, it will itself be lost in the boomerang. The primary duty of a state is to ensure the security and well-being of its citizens. Those who fail in this fundamental duty will find their crowns and thrones toppled.
The forces confronting the Syrian administration must recognize that they cannot establish authority in Syria through armed conflict, nor can they protect their own people from the jaws of violence by resorting to further bloodshed.
The involvement of Syria’s neighboring states in the internal conflicts will only serve to deepen domestic divisions
As for Syria’s neighbors, from the perspective of the Vatan (Patriotic) Party, it is the duty of all of us, from the Turkish government in the first place, to Russia, Palestine, Iraq, Lebanon and Iran, to convince the Syrian government and all parties to stop the bloodshed in Syria. Taking sides in the strife in Syria on one or another “sectarian” and “(ethnic) nationalist” grounds will lead to the betrayal of our own sect and nation. It is the legacy of our deep-rooted state tradition to do what is necessary today.
Vatan (Patriotic) Party calls on everyone who bears responsibility
Today, at the end, the forces that want division in Syria are confronting the forces that want unity.
Today, the forces that continue to shed blood in Syria and the forces that want to end the bloodshed are confronting each other.
Today, in our region, the forces that want Syria to disintegrate are confronted with the forces that support unity, integrity and brotherhood in Syria.
Under these circumstances, as the Vatan (Patriotic) Party, we call on everyone who bears responsibility.
Unite for peace and unity in Syria!
Neighbors and friends of Syria,
Unite to end the strife in Syria!
All states that recognize that humanity has a common future in our time,
Unite for a peace and sovereignty in Syria that embraces all the people!
We are addressing the Shara Government of Syria:
Embrace the people of Syria of all sects and nationalities and ensure their security, so as not to drown in the bloodshed of strife and to be a state and a government!
Mr. Ahmet Shara,
Follow the example of Prophet Muhammad and do not be on the side of tribal strife and robbing caravans!
Ummah is the plural of people. In order to form the nation in our time, undertake a brave and effective practice against the strife between peoples!
You know and the whole world knows that those who want to divide you are among you. If you are on the side of division, you too will be divided! If you are on the side of those who shed blood, you cannot be a government or a state administrator!
Vatan (Patriotic) Party is a comrade of every struggle in Syria that embraces the whole nation, that does not take sides in the strife, and that will disrupt the Israeli and US plan.
Independence, peace and unity in Syria means independence, peace and unity for Türkiye.
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