Reflections on genocide

The Arab and Muslim world must take the initiative.

By Sergio Rodriguez Gelfenstein

“Death is not true

when the work of life has been well accomplished.”

Jose Marti

Hurt if you want to hurt

that I await the blow calmly.

But I, on the other hand, condemn you

to the torment of living.

Where can you run away

that the punishment does not reach you?

You will search in vain for shelter

other mountains, other beaches.

Now wherever you go

Your crime will go with you.


Jesus Orta Ruiz

The Naborí Indigena

They killed José Martí and the struggle of the Cuban people did not stop. They killed General Augusto C. Sandino and years later Commander Carlos Fonseca, and the struggle of the Nicaraguan people did not stop. Furthermore, they killed Yasser Arafat and the struggle of the Palestinian people did not stop. It is not proven, but there is a hypothesis that they killed Commander Hugo Chávez and the struggle of the Venezuelan people did not stop. Do you think that because Hassan Nasrallah was killed, the struggle of the anti-Zionist resistance in Western Asia will stop? To assume that is to underestimate the people, to believe that the struggle depends on a personality or even a leader. Of course, the loss of a leader is hard and painful, but the history of the struggle for independence and freedom has never stopped because of that.

It is proven that Israel is an imperialist creation, and that Zionism is sustained by the backing that the United States and Europe give it to commit its crimes. But it is also true that the greatest triumph of imperialism and Zionism – and therein lies the fundamental cause of its success – is having managed to keep the Islamic and Muslim world divided, preventing the unity necessary to fight the Zionist enemy. Until October 7 of last year, some Arab countries had even signed the Abraham Accords and begun the “normalization” of relations with Israel. Before that, in 1978 the Camp David Accords were signed and in 1993 the Oslo Accords. More recently, by unleashing the so-called “Arab Spring”, by striking at the axis of resistance in order to destroy it, imperialism and Zionism aimed at disunity.

For more than 45 years, the United States has been trying to find partial agreements that would paralyze the struggle of the Palestinian people and the countries that resist. Never has a firm and tenacious people and their leaders signed any agreement with the Zionist entity. Today, once again, it is clear that religious and national identity have a subordinate character when it comes to defending class interests. That is why some Arab and Muslim countries and leaders stick to the rhetoric of “returning to Al Quds” and “rejecting” the Zionist massacres, while in reality they seek to ally themselves – and even do business with them – through States that seek to unify them to stop the liberating impulse of the resistance.

300 million Arabs and 1.5 billion Muslims have not been able to unite to confront Zionism, which in Israel makes up a population of 6.9 million Jews (and not all of them are Zionists). Division, the interests of corrupt medieval monarchies and their desire to subordinate themselves and serve the United States and the West allow this situation in which Israel can act freely, violating international law and the UN Charter. The day will come when the peoples of the region will demand that their elites stop hesitating and doubting in confronting Zionism. And when that day comes, everything will change.

Article 1, paragraph 1, of the United Nations Charter establishes the organization’s first purpose: “To maintain international peace and security and, to this end, to take effective collective measures to prevent and remove threats to the peace and to suppress acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace; and to bring about by peaceful means, in accordance with the principles of justice and international law, the adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situations likely to lead to breaches of the peace.”

Before, in the preamble of the Charter it is established that the UN is resolved “to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has inflicted untold suffering on humanity, reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small, to create conditions under which justice and respect for obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained, to promote social progress and better standards of life within larger freedom.”

In light of these precepts, it is clear that the UN has failed and must disappear and give way to an institution that is capable of fulfilling these objectives. To do so, it is basic, fundamental and necessary that the right of veto disappears. The right of veto is a dictatorial instrument that provides the tools that guarantee Zionist genocide in Western Asia.

The UN is no longer an instrument for peace, to the point that the Zionist leader – from New York – and without caring that the world was not listening to him, ordered the attack on Lebanon and the assassination of the leader of the resistance Hassan Nasrallah. When it has become evident that the UN is no longer a platform for promoting peace but for encouraging war, its disappearance should be natural.

All this can be done because the United States allows it, endorses it, supports it, finances it and arms the perpetrator of the war even when it is evident that the crime of genocide, established in the “Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide” approved in 1948 and entered into force in 1951, has been committed. The UN is so ineffective that it has not been able to enforce this convention that was intended to prevent “a crime committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group.”

At the end of World War II, the Nuremberg trials were held in order to punish those responsible for the heinous crime that caused the death of 60 million people (2.5% of the world’s population at the time). One of their main objectives was to conduct a fair trial and to play a concrete role in preventing future genocides. Despite the efforts of Soviet prosecutors, their Western colleagues were concerned with “softening” the sentences and saving many criminals.

Thanks to the support of the United States, the Vatican, the International Red Cross, Franco’s Spain and defeated Italy, but with a strong presence of Mussolini’s troops, Nazism and fascism survived, and today they are taking shape in Europe (last Sunday’s elections in Austria are a clear reflection of this situation), in Latin America and in other regions of the world. Yesterday, in Austria, just like Hitler, the fascists came to power through elections.

The unfinished eradication of Nazism is now taking its toll on the world. Zionism, as a reactionary nationalist current and expression of the racist extreme right that emerged in Europe at the end of the 19th century, bases its achievements on the myth of racial superiority and the exclusivity of the Jews. Like the United States , Zionism considers the occupied territory to be a land promised by God. It is based on an exacerbated chauvinism, anti-communism and extreme nationalism. This allows them to justify the extermination of the Palestinians and the Arabs.

I asked myself whether we will have to wait until the war in Western Asia ends with the defeat of Israel to organize a new Nuremberg, or if it will be necessary for Russia, another country or alliance of countries to carry out a new Special Military Operation, so that, as in Ukraine, the development of the ongoing genocide can be halted.

And what will the “civilized” Europeans, the social democracies and the cowardly left say when this happens? Or should we continue to watch from the tranquility of our homes and our lives as the world is unable to organize itself even to prevent the mass death of tens of thousands of people? The burden of incapacity and complicity in this genocide will weigh heavily on the conscience of the inhabitants of this planet.

Declarations of rejection and repudiation are no longer enough; action must be taken, and there are many ways to do so in political, legal, economic and military terms. But I repeat once again, the initiative must come from the Arab and Muslim world, because expecting the West, and Europe in particular, to do something is nothing more than a pipe dream. More than anything, they are the perpetrators of the worst genocides in the history of humanity. This is how they became rich and powerful: through death, usurpation, theft, piracy, robbery, plunder, pillage and plunder. These are the instruments that allowed them to become a “garden”, remember… The rest of us are just “jungle”.