Azerbaijan has rightfully reacted harshly to PACE’s policy of double standards

Interview to Russian news agency RIA Novosti

Rightfully, Azerbaijan has reacted harshly to the double standards of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, UWI author Mehmet Perinçek told Russian state news agency RIA Novosti. The country banned the entry of those PACE deputies who voted against the ratification of the powers of the republic’s delegation in the organization.

‘The double standards of the EU and the West in general are no longer surprising – this is their typical policy. Now we should not dwell on it but think about retaliatory measures. This is the reason why Baku had to react to them in such a harsh form,’ the expert said.

According to him, this is the right approach – the insolent policy of the West should be treated in this form. They understand only such language, and Baku’s decision is very important in the current situation. This is a textbook for countries that suffer from double standards of the West, the expert emphasized.

Perinçek noted that the West cannot accept the new realities that are emerging around the world.

‘Azerbaijan can afford tough measures against Western institutions in response to their policy of double standards, as it has three powerful allies in the face of Türkiye, Russia and China,’ the expert emphasized.

According to him, Vladimir Putin’s recent visit to Baku is a clear confirmation of this. The whole world has seen how strong the friendly ties between the leaders of the two states are. This pisses off Western politicians, as well as the fact that Baku does not dance to their tune, as a number of other famous countries, Perinçek said.

We shall remind you that in January this year, the Azerbaijani delegation announced that it stops co-operation and presence in PACE. This was the diplomats’ reaction to the PACE Monitoring Committee’s approval of the draft decision, which proposes not to confirm the powers of the Azerbaijani delegation.

Azerbaijan recently banned entry to the country for PACE deputies who voted against ratification of the powers of the republic’s delegation in the organization.