Like the end of the Roman Empire

French politician comments on the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.

By Kıvanç Özdal

The “LGBT show” at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Paris caused controversy all over the world.

We asked Jacques Cheminade, Chairman of the Solidarity and Progress party (Solidarité et Progrès) for his views.

Beyond the beyond

LGBT propaganda in the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Paris surprised many people all around the world. What is your view?

Usually when I am abroad, I don’t make comments about the domestic policy of my country. But this time is beyond the beyond.

It is a perverse disruption of the idea of the Olympics. It looks like the end of the Roman Empire. The depiction of the Last Supper by queers, LGBT characters and clowns was like a joke. And then a half naked man, almost naked and painted blue, appears from the plate serviced. It is like a pagan of Emperor Caligula.

I have to denounce this so-called ceremony, which represents the end of the Macron era. Because that is nothing but throwing nothingness to the eyes of the whole world and regimes coming to their end show such features

But not only Macron. This Western world, which has nothing to propose other than that in the midst of an economic crisis, is in front of a volcanic eruption.

Child abuse

There were also children dancing with the queers on the platform.

Not only on the platform of the Olympic Games. The abuse of children also happens in the schools of France and the US, even these queers visit schools of the children between age 6-11. If you criticize that, then you are called “extreme right-wing reactionary” or “Putinist”. I am none of those, but I think these activities destroy the base in society from common decency. I don’t accept it.

I am happy to be in Türkiye and far from the so-called ceremony.