West attacks “ecumenically” on the Geneva Summit

Türkiye signed an anti-Russia declaration at the “Summit on Peace in Ukraine” just before Erdoğan and Putin’s meeting in Astana on July 3-4.

Switzerland hosted the “Summit on Peace in Ukraine” on 15 and 16 June 2024, in the city of Bürgenstock (Canton of Nidwalden).

Some 100 delegations and 57 heads of state and government attended the Summit. The final declaration signed by 78 countries put the “territorial integrity” of Ukraine as a precondition and the foundation of any peace agreement to end the war.

White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan was among attendees and called the summit a “tremendous success.”

While Russia did not attend the Summit, Türkiye signed the final declaration. What is more for Türkiye, The Patriarch of Constantinople, Bartholomew, whose office is in Istanbul, attended the Summit with the title “ecumenical” and gave a speech.

Title of “ecumenical” for the Fener Greek Orthodox Patriarch

The title “ecumenical” for the Fener Greek Orthodox Patriarch is considered a violation of Türkiye’s sovereignty rights according to the Treaty of Lausanne, which determined the recognition and sovereignty rights of the Republic of Türkiye in international law on July 24, 1923.

Selçuk Erenerol, spokesperson for the independent Turkish Orthodox Patriarchate, made a statement calling it “a crime against the sovereignty of the Republic of Türkiye”. Erenerol’s statement is as follows:

“It is a crime according to our law that Bartholomew, who is merely the head priest of the Fener Greek Orthodox Church, a minority church subordinate to the Fatih District Governorate, was present at the “Summit on Peace in Ukraine” in Switzerland as an observer with the title of ‘Ecumenical Patriarch’ alongside Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan.”


An instigator of the war

The Fener Greek Orthodox Church, one of the instigators of the war between Russia and Ukraine, continues to commit crimes through our institutions, facilitating the West’s plots over the Republic of Türkiye.

Türkiye’s 4th Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court of Appeals, in its ruling numbered 5603K, has specified the crimes committed by the Fener Greek Orthodox Church with references to the Constitution of the Republic of Türkiye, the Turkish Penal Code, and the Lausanne Conference, and ruled that it cannot use the title ‘ecumenical’ and cannot interfere in other institutions. The Fener Greek Orthodox Church and head priest Bartholomew is acting contrary to the equality principle outlined in Article 10 of the Constitution. He does not have the authority to interfere in any institution, either domestically or internationally.”

Zelenskyy thanks “Ecumenical Patriarch” Bartholomew

Zelenskyy, in his social media post, thanked the Patriarch using the title “ecumenical”:

“I met with Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I to express gratitude for the humanitarian support for Ukraine, especially on the issues of the return of Ukrainian children and the exchange of prisoners.

We highly value His All-Holiness’ prayers for peace and assistance to Ukrainians affected by Russian aggression.


We also thank the Ecumenical Patriarch for his efforts to promote the development and strengthening of Orthodoxy in Ukraine and his dialogue with clergy worldwide and partner countries in this regard.”

UWI author, historian and political scientist Associate Professor Mehmet Perinçek made an evaluation Türkiye’s stance at the Summit:

“If a meeting is organized to solve a problem, the main indicator of its relevance to the goal is the presence of both sides at the meeting. Russia’s absence shows that those organizing this meeting are hostile to Russia and trying to push Ukraine further against Russia, instead of aiming to resolve the problem”.

Encircling both Russia and Türkiye

Mehmet Perinçek attributes the title of ‘ecumenical’ given to Fener Greek Orthodox Patriarch Bartholomew at the Summit to the plan of “encircling not only Russia but also Türkiye”:

“The West is using the Ukraine issue to drive a wedge between Türkiye and Russia. Türkiye’s participation in an anti-Russian summit before the meeting of Erdoğan and Putin July 3-4 is nothing but sabotage.”

Mehmet Perinçek also draws attention to the countries that did not attend or sign the declaration:

“Türkiye, however, is keeping its foot in both camps”

“China, India, Saudi Arabia, the UAE… The majority of the world’s population was not represented at this Summit. The most significant powers of the world economy were opposed to this Summit. While Türkiye aims to join BRICS and has already announced its desire for it, BRICS countries either did not attend or did not sign the declaration. These countries are aware of the West’s plot in Ukraine and take a stance against it. Türkiye, however, is keeping its foot in both camps.”

5 consequences of the Summit for Türkiye

Mehmet Perinçek then listed five consequences of Türkiye’s participation in the Summit:

  • Yielding to actions contrary to the Treaty of Lausanne and Türkiye’s sovereignty.
  • Hostility to Russia.
  • Damaging Turkish-Russian relations.
  • Aiding the West to encircle both Türkiye and Russia.
  • Hindering Türkiye’s way of joining BRICS.