“Normalization” steps between the government and the opposition; Türkiye’s possible membership; Devlet Bahçeli’s call for “peace” with Syria

Both the weather and the political agenda are hot in Türkiye.

President and AKP Chairman Recep Tayyip Erdoğan visited the main opposition CHP’s headquarters for the first time in 18 years and met with his counterpart, CHP Chairman Özgür Özel.

Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan participated in the BRICS meeting held in Russia at a time when Türkiye expressed its interest in joining the organization.

The other important development was the statements of the MHP leader and coalition partner Devlet Bahçeli on Syria and refugees.

Talks between the government and the main opposition

A tense atmosphere has been prevailing between the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) and the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) for years. Recently, Turkish politics is witnessing winds of easing or “normalization”.

Following CHP Chairman Özgür Özel’s visit to the AKP Headquarters, President and AKP Chairman Recep Tayyip Erdoğan paid a reciprocal visit to the CHP Headquarters. Thus, Erdoğan visited the CHP Headquarters for the first time in 18 years.

It was shared with the press that the two leaders addressed issues of the new constitution, economy, Gaza, the Gezi trial detainees (which is allegedly related to the anti-government protest in 2013 Summer) and trustees that were appointed to municipalities of the PKK-affiliated DEM party.

After the talks, AKP Spokesperson Ömer Çelik said that a third meeting could be organized if needed:

“Our stance and desire for the dialogue continue. We thank Mr. Özel and the CHP once again for their courtesy.


From now on, if needed, our door is open. What they call normalization, we call political easing. Let’s not turn political competition into hostility. Competition has turned into hostility at times in Turkish political life.”

Regarding the situation in Gaza, Çelik emphasized the need for “a common stance by all political parties” and added: “It would be extremely valuable for Mr. Özel to take an informative role in Socialist International.”

Noting that the economy was also on the meeting’s agenda, Çelik said, “Our President stated that the gains achieved on this strong path of the Medium-Term Program and the 12th Development Plan will be preserved. He expressed that, despite various calls for that, we will not incline to populism and avoid actions that would harm this economic program”.

CHP Spokesperson Deniz Yücel also made statements after the meeting between Erdoğan and Özel. Yücel said that the meeting is “an important step in Turkish political history” that “restarts the dialogue between the government and opposition” which had been “blocked by the government until now”: “Dialogue, consultation and negotiation are indispensable elements of democracy. As the CHP, we are ready to contribute to every issue that will help solve the problems of our society and country.”

Yücel too touched upon the economy: “The first issues to be addressed today are to put an end to the ongoing economic crisis, establish justice, ensure the rule of law, fundamental rights and freedoms. All these problems are interconnected and demand a resilience stance.”

Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) Chairman Devlet Bahçeli also made remarks regarding the Erdoğan-Özel meeting:

“If the Nationalist Movement Party is considered and described as an obstacle to the ordered process of normalization and smoothening of politics, if a broad alliance has become indispensable on that matter, then our responsibility is to make every sacrifice in the name of our country and nation and fulfill the necessary task with a calm heart.”

Bahçeli added: “Taking into consideration that the unsatisfied fractions within the AKP constantly confuse minds, it is the serious wish and desire of the MHP that a coalition between the AKP and the CHP shall be built, with a broad bases that also includes the other elements of the 6-seats-coalition.”

But the MHP leader also said the following:


“Nevertheless, our commitment to the People’s Alliance will continue resolutely, and our support for legislative proposals in the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye will remain unchanged. Moreover, it is impossible for us to compromise, turn back, abandon midway, or deviate from the principles and goals of the People’s Alliance. Everyone knows that, no matter the circumstances, we will stand by and support our President, Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, to the end. We respectfully acknowledge the meetings and bilateral contacts launched by our President.”

Türkiye’s possible membership in BRICS

Türkiye’s possible membership in BRICS is once again on the agenda following Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan’s words, “We want to join BRICS” during his visit to China.

Just a few days after this statement, Hakan Fidan attended the BRICS Foreign Ministers’ meeting in Russia. In his speech at the meeting, Fidan stressed Israel’s actions, saying, “Israel’s occupation of Palestinian lands is expanding with mass displacement, ethnic cleansing, and war crimes.”

Pointing out to the “highly turbulent period” in global relations, Fidan said “We are still facing high inflation. Vulnerabilities persist, and geopolitical tensions may escalate”. Fidan emphasized that the “rules-based international system” has been inadequate in providing balanced and rapid solutions in this era.


Referring to the UN Security Council resolution in line with the US’s three-step ceasefire proposal in Gaza, Fidan said, “This is a positive, but not sufficient step. Without a two-state solution, neither Israel’s nor Palestine’s security can be ensured.”

The Turkish foreign minister stated that the past eight months has clearly shown the erosion of norms and values, and how double standards harm international order. Then reminding President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s motto “the world is bigger than five” Fidan said: “We value our cooperation with BRICS. We believe that the diversity within BRICS is important for enhancing development and stability”.

After the meeting, Fidan also held talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow.

According to diplomatic sources, Fidan conveyed President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s greetings to Putin during the meeting and said the relations between the two countries are going “exceptionally well”.

Fidan also addressed the steps to be taken in trade”, “any possible mediation efforts regarding Ukraine” that Türkiye could take on, continuing “stability policy set by the two leaders concerning Syria”

Putin, in response, said that Moscow “fully supports” Türkiye’s interest in joining BRICS.

Bahçeli’s statements on Syria’s territorial integrity and refugees

In his weekly parliamentary group meeting, Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) Chairman Devlet Bahçeli made significant statements regarding Türkiye-Syria relations, the elections, intended but not achieved, in northern Syria and the refugees in Türkiye.

Criticizing the so-called elections intended to be held on June 11 by the PKK/YPG terrorist organization, Bahçeli said:

“Tampering with the administrative structure of the Syrian Arab Republic, trying to establish legitimacy for the separatist terrorist organization are justified reasons for Türkiye’s operation. Watching such treachery silently is equivalent to dragging the Turkish homeland into disaster.


The security of Syria or Iraq is the security of Türkiye. We are clenching our teeth and fists, and we declare with determination that we are ready and resolved to give any struggle to defend the security of the Turkish nation and our national survival.”


Bahçeli highlighted that they embrace Syria’s territorial integrity and criticized some other countries:

“We are absolutely opposed to the division, fragmentation, and disintegration of the Syrian Arab Republic. We respect the political and territorial integrity of this country, and we hope that every state will show the same respect (…) It is extremely concerning that countries in the region and the Russian Federation are silently watching these vile and cursed developments. Alarm bells are ringing. I want to sternly remind those dreaming of a terrorist state along our southern borders that we are on high alert to thwart their ambitions”.

In the parliamentary group meeting, Bahçeli also addressed the issue of refugees in Türkiye:

“The influx of migration and refugees is one of the most pressing issues not only for Türkiye, but also for our time. We presented our work done by our commission. We are against the refugee influx that will damage our demographic future and hybridize our population balance and national structure. Furthermore, we should ensure the voluntary, safe and dignified return of Syrian refugees’ step by step. Irregular migration must be curbed, and the readmission agreement should be terminated.”