Liberals in Russia will lose influence in economy policy in the coming period

United World International author Mehmet Perinçek gave an interview to the Russian RIA Novosti news agency about Vladimir Putin’s Presidential Address to Federal Assembly. We present the interview, published in Russian, to our readers translated into English.


Statements by Russian President Vladimir Putin in a message to the Federal Assembly are providing morale and courage to countries facing a threat from the West, including Türkiye, Turkish historian Mehmet Perinçek told RIA Novosti.

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin, during his annual address to the Federal Assembly, said that the goal of the West in the Ukrainian conflict is to create pockets of instability near the Russian borders and “eliminate competitors by proxy elements”. Putin stated that the people of Ukraine had become “hostage” of the Kiev regime and its “Western masters,” who occupied Ukraine in the political, military, economic sense, in order to continue “robbing everyone and planting totalitarian principles.”

“Putin said that the West is waging aggression not only against Russia, but also against all countries of the world and even against the entire mankind. He stated that they have bases everywhere and that the United States pursues similar goals against different countries in different parts of the world. Saying that his country is also subjected to Western aggression in economic terms, Putin said that as an antidote to this, it is necessary to strengthen the national economy, revive the manufacturing economy and continue to strengthen it. And we can say that the liberal segments in Russia will lose influence in the economy policy in the coming period “, says the historian.

According to him, the “antidote” to this challenge in Putin’s speech is to mobilize the people, meet the needs of the people and ensure the well being of the families of soldiers fighting in the region.

“Internationally, of course, he made it clear that the answers to all these challenges will be realized in a multipolar world, and that the whole world will stand in a happy bath. In this sense, Putin’s statements concern not only Russia itself. One could also say that he is actually providing morale and courage to countries facing the threat of the West, such as Türkiye, which is facing the threat of the West, and even leads by example. This will strengthen the hand of Türkiye, both on the Syrian front and in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Aegean Sea. Because the failure of plans of the West in Ukraine will strengthen Türkiye’s hand against the threats it faces from Syria to the Eastern Mediterranean and the Aegean, and even against dollar dominance, and increase Türkiye’s chances of success”, Perinçek said.

According to the historian, it is clear from this speech of Putin that all the fronts on which the US aggression is taking place must be considered together.

“Türkiye, Russia, Iran, the Turkic republics, Asian powers, Pakistan, India, Syria, Iraq and even the Persian Gulf countries in the Middle East will be able to solve the threats they face only by uniting and showing common strength”, RIA Novosti’s interlocutor stressed.