The Mexican Labor Party has convened to the 25th edition of the international congress “Political Parties and a New Society” in Mexico City 21-23rd of October, 2021.
Alongside more than 200 delegates from Latin American and Eurasian countries, United World International experts Mehmet Perinçek and Yunus Soner took part in the congress.
Below UWI documents the welcoming speech of Prod. Dr. Alberto Anaya Gutiérrez, National Coordinator of the Labor Party.
Translation by Yunus Soner, subtitles were set by UWI.
In the coming days, UWI will present the speech Mehmet Perinçek delivered to the congress and various interviews realized here.
To all the comrades, from all the countries, not only from Latin America and the Caribbean, but also from other countries of the world:
We welcome you all wholeheartedly.
We find ourselves here in a situation that we want to acknowledge. The COVID-19 has during the last year and parts of the current year paralyzed the whole humanity. Lot’s of meeting had to be cancelled, lot of events had to be abandoned. But we want to express to you, that all of you have demonstrated a lot of conviction, decisiveness and braveness.
The Congress “Political Parties and a New Society” has not stopped working. We have kept on working in 2020, against the COVID, which was scaring the whole humanity.
And today, we are very pleased by the presence of all of you. This is a virtual and at the same time presence congress. Two weeks ago, hardly 90 delegates of different international political parties had registered. Today, we are welcoming more than 200 delegates!
This fact shows that there is conviction. This fact shows that there is resilience. And one get’s aware that here is a high level of consciousness. And all of you, who you are struggling in the field of society in your countries day by day, prove that in your struggles that you ignite.
For that reason we welcome you cordially.
We congratulate you. This is an act of braveness. And here, we would like to acknowledge that.
Acknowledging, of course, the struggle of the Venezuelan people, which, with Hugo Chavez’ thought in mind and today with President Maduro, does not give in. It has defended all its gains, its independence and its liberty to construct a better future for its population.
Hearty greetings to the comrades from the Venezuelan delegation, especially to the comrades from the United Socialist Party of Venezuela!
Hearty greetings to President Maduro, who has understood to resist. And he, who resists, always wins. And Venezuela will win against the aggressions of imperialism.
Ortega will be victorious in November elections of Nicaragua
We have very soon elections in Nicaragua. They have been targeted with a lot of provocations. But we want to tell to our Nicaraguan comrades: we are convinced they will, with the leadership of Commandante Daniel Ortega and his wife, Rosario, come out as victors in this November elections. They will victoriously keep high the flag of the Sandinist Front of National Liberation (FSLN), where the flag of socialism keeps on flying.
Hearty greetings to the Nicaraguan people. Hearty greetings to Commandante Daniel Ortega.
We also state very clearly that we have here, with us, a delegation representing the brotherly people of Cuba. Fidel’s Cuba! Che’s Cuba! Camilo’s Cuba! Raul’s Cuba! Cuba that has always known to resist, that has always know to leap forward, that always has known to unite and destroy all attempts of the empire to finish its revolution. With Diaz-Canel in front and the Communist Party in the leadership, we are sure that Cuba will continue to be the beacon that enlightens America and the world’s peoples in their struggle for freedom, equality and sovereignty.
Respectful greetings to our brothers and comrades from Cuba, who are here today with us.
Revolutionary change in Peru
We also want to say to you all that we are happy. We are happy, because in Peru, the Left has again gained a convincing victory under the leadership of Pedro Castillo. Under Castillo’s leadership, Peru has today established a leftist, libertarian government. We wish them all the best and offer our solidary support to this process of revolutionary change that is taking place today in Peru.
We have also ignited some struggles, and this is how the world moves forward, because this is how humanity progresses. It is never linear and always forward, growing. It has ups and downs, forwards and backwards, progresses and regresses. But the most important point is that we all continue to fight.
We have to learn to from defeats, such as in Ecuador
And we have to learn to overcome the defeats we have lived in this continent. We lament the defeat we have received in Ecuador, concerning Rafael Correa’s attempt to return the Citizen Revolution back to power. But we are also convinced that the Citizen Revolution will return. And it will return victorious to Ecuador!
We have here presented a very important delegation from the Farabundo Marti Liberation Front (FMLN). They are today oppressed, imprisoned, dislocated. But they also have the conviction to solve all these problems, and when the moment comes, the El Salvadorian people will topple down the dictatorship led by President Bukele. And the red flag of the FMLN will again fly in the El Salvador that we all desire.
Thank your for your presence, comrades. We are on your side.
Brazil will regain its revolutionary process with a victory of Lula
We also greet the delegation from Brazil. They are preparing for a great war. They succeed in foiling the judicial persecution, which had been established against Luiz Ignacio Lula. Why had this persecution happened at the first place? Because they knew that Luiz Ignacio Lula was going to come out victorious in the presidential elections. Today, that attempt of the Right has failed. And we are convinced that the Workers’ Party, led by Lula, will regain that revolutionary process in the brotherly people of Brazil. On this we bet.
We are also preparing ourselves to a new struggle in Chile. The insurrection of two years ago, which the pandemic wanted to cut, we want to tell you all, is still alive. This sensation, this idea of a new constitution is still alive. The idea of a profound transformation is still alive. In that beloved country, the country of Salvador Allende, we are also convinced that the Left will regain the continuity of that struggle of Popular Union, which at his times led Salvador Allende himself.
Long live Chile, comrades!
We cannot forget to greet the comrades from Argentina. They are going through a dıfficult process. They have received the country in ruins, in crisis, in huge debt, with multifaceted problems.

But we are convinced that our Argentine comrades, led by Alberto Fernandez, will continue that struggle, keeping the progressives victorious and in government in this country of Peron, this country of Evita. That country, which always has worked positively in favor of the peoples.
We wish our Argentine comrades the best, so that they keep on flying high the flag of transformation.
Colombia preparing for great battle
Colombia is also not a minor issue. Colombia is also preparing for a great battle. We think that the conditions are given, so that, with an approach of unity among all revolutionaries, Colombia also wins a project of the Left, which then will allow a radical transformation of this country. We bet on that. And a respectful recommendation: Only united will they come out victorious.
We bet on that we the Leftist parties shine out, so that the next battle in Colombia will be a victorious battle. We bet on that.
Welcoming Evo Morales
We cannot leave aside the soil of Evo Morales. The soil of revolution, which has advanced in that beautiful land. That country which is plurinational, pluricultural, that country, which has achieved that the first time in its history, an indigenous person won the Presidency of the Republic. An indigenous person, who has won the second round as well, but in that election, the empire and the Right robbed him from his presidency in a cruel and coward way, using a military coup d’état.
We have here among us Evo Morales; we are very honored. Our greetings to Luis Arse, on whom felt the duty upon to advance this process once again. But you all have it clearly in mind: In Bolivia, in democratic manners and by elections, the dictatorship has been defeated, and the attempts of the empire to sabotage the revolutionary process of Bolivia were foiled.
Long live Evo Morales! Long live Luis Arce!
We are also aware that we will face situations of struggle together with the Uruguayan comrades. Today, the Broad Front has received a defeat. But we are convinced that sooner or later, the Broad Front will regain the power in Uruguay. We bet on that.
Welcoming President Zelaya
Our great friend, President Manuel Zelaya has not give in. He was also a victim of a coup d’état, made with great impudence. His only error and his only sin, which the empire did not forgive, was to convene a popular referendum among the citizens to approve a new constitution. The empire knew that the people of Honduras were going approve the construction of a new constitution. This new constitution meant the re-foundation of the republic of Honduras on a progressive, democratic, libertarian and egalitarian base. A development which the empire has not allowed to happen and a sin which it did not forgive.
We are convinced that the work of Manuel Zelaya and his political party will be victorious in the next elections, and he will return to defeat the empire again with democratic methods using the ballot box.
Long live President Manuel Zelaya, here with us!
We are sure that he needs to be our next president.
We cannot leave aside what the struggle of Fernando Lugo meant. He also stood firm. He was also victim of a coup d’état, technically. But we are also convinced that the struggle led by Fernando Lugo will end up victorious in Paraguay in the future. We bet on that, comrades.
The Left wins the presidency in Mexico
We want to tell you proudly, that, after the electoral fraud of 2006, the fraud of 2002, finally in 2018, the forces of the Left, which consisted of the Movement of National Regeneration, the Labor Party and of all progressive forces of the Left, we have achieved that Andrés Manuel López Obrador has won the presidency of this country.
This is not a small issue, comrades. Its importance due to its size population, its importance in history, its importance due to its foreign policy, where Mexico always home to the politically persecuted, where the political asylum was always valid, and the struggle, which article 89 of our constitution declares.. The non-intervention and the principle of free self-determination of the people must be in force.
Mexico is obligated to have relations with all countries of the world, because we are an open country. We mourn that the past government of Pena-Nieto, giving in to the pressure of the North Americans, has expelled the ambassador of North Korea without any reason from our country. We mourn that, because with Korea, we have only witnessed friendship, relations and only mutual respect. The Korean people is a people that does not harm anyone.
We have faced more offensives from the North Americans. They robbed us Texas in 1836. They robbed us more than half of the territory of the Mexican Republic in 1848. They returned to intervene in our country in 1914, and they always looked to assure that we were subdued to their flag of stars and stripes.
These are affronts, violations. Every day, they violate the human rights of our immigrants, which look for better conditions of life in that area. Everyday we suffer the mistreatment, we suffer the discrimination, we suffer the offenses of the empire. Here, there are affronts and violations and limitations, comrades.
But with North Korea, we do only have friendship and their respect for our country and our people. Therefore, we do mourn that incident, and we declare to you that the leftist government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador has again established the ambassador of the Popular Democratic Republic of Korea.
This orientation of opening to all ideologies and pluralities. Mexico has established relations with USSR in 1925. We had Stalin in mind. But do not forget: Mexico has also provided asylum to Leon Trotsky. In spite of the disturbance and anger of Stalin, Leon Trotsky received asylum here in Mexico.
Alongside him, was the Spanish Republic. Our Mexico has opened its doors to thousands and thousands of republican refugees from the Spanish civil war, to those who defended the Spanish Republic and fought its war in 1936. We have also opened our doors to Fidel Castro, to Che Guevara and Raul, who seek refuge in this very city.
The Guatemalan and Salvadorian revolutionaries also received refuge here. Asylum was provided to Argentine, Uruguayan, and Brazilians, who were persecuted by their dictatorships. We have here the Republic of Sahara, which Mexico recognizes as country. They will win the struggle in the UN, and very soon, they will me a state member of the organization of United Nations. We also recognize the Palestinian people. They enjoy our recognition and respect. They also struggle to found a free and sovereign state. We are convinced that you will achieve that goal, and Mexico will always be on your side.

I greet you, ambassador.
We tell you also that we feel proud to have received here our brothers from Chile from the Popular Unity after the coup against Salvador Allende. There, Mexico has opened its doors to them, Mexico has opened them its embassies, Mexico has opened its country to them. And this is part of the pride that we have, and that the foreign policy of Mexico shall be a policy of open doors, and today, this policy returns to Mexico with the government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador.
We have today again refugees from El Salvador, from Ecuador, from Bolivia. The President Evo Morales himself enjoyed refuge here.
The Fourth Transformation of Mexico
This is also a demonstration of change. There is a transformation. It is the Fourth Transformation that means the re-foundation of the republic. The Fourth Transformation will proceed forward with Andrés Manuel López Obrador.
The first republic was the independence. The second was the reform. The third was the Mexican revolution. And President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the undisputed leader of the Mexican left, today, with the re-foundation of the new republic, leads the Fourth Transformation.
We salute the delegation of the Communist Party of China, they are connected via zoom, the delegation of the Communist Party of Vietnam, the Workers’ Party of North Korea. And we also greet the representation from Russia, who is here with us. The representations of Spain, France, Finland, who are here participating in the congress. The Palestinian delegation, the Saharawi delegation, and all the countries represented from Asia, from Lebanon, Turkey and other countries…
And of course, free Puerto Rico. We bet on the independence of Puerto Rico. Here with us is the Spanish Communist Party, whom we welcome cordially. Welcome comrades.
We also welcome the European Left Party, who is here with us. We welcome them also cordially.
In this sense, dear comrades, we are very pleased to receive all of you. We are very pleased to receive all of you, because we have a common ideal. We have a conviction and a clear consciousness, where the humanity should head.
And we want to say to you, here, we have always greeted, we have always enjoyed the friendship, the support, the understanding and the solidarity of a comrade: it is the Senator Dante Delgado from the Citizens’ Movement.
In spite of some differences and critical positions, he is our friend and will stay as such under all circumstances. He is more than a political ally, he is a friend. And we will always acknowledge and value the solidarity and friendship of Dante Delgado. We want him with us in 2024, together with the whole of the Left, as he has always been participating.
We have here a great objective. We have the goal to keep on the struggle for the re-foundation of the republic. This will not be completed in one legislature. We need at least 24 or 30 years to consolidate this transformation.
24-30 years to transform what neoliberalism has established in 36 years
The neoliberalism has constructed a broad framework in 36 years. A legal framework, a social structure and web of complicities with the factual powers against the interests of the Mexican people.
To deconstruct this framework will not be easy. But it has already started. And it is a duty of all revolutionaries of this country, of all progressive parties, of all progressive personalities to guarantee that the Fourth Transformation keeps on being in force in 2024. On that we bet.
We bet on that the project of Andrés Manuel López Obrador has continuity in 2024. And with him, with the friends of MORENA, we also expect our friend Dante to take part, we will not put in jeopardy this project in 2024, in order to achieve this continuation.
We are united by a grand ideal, for which we all struggle. A better world is possible. And therefore, all of us continue to struggle in the different locations and the different trenches we are.
Welcome comrades, this is your house. Today, we can say to you: Whatever the conditions, Mexico is your home.
Here with us is also Rodrigo Londono as representative of the Political Party of the Commune, who have maintained an armed movement for more than 50 years. And with a long sight, after 4 long years of negotiation, have achieved to establish the peace in Colombia.
We bet on that they unite their efforts in order to win the next elections in Colombia. And their desires, for which they have risked their lives, lots of Colombians shall be liberated.
Comrades, this is your house.
Viva Fidel Castro!
Viva Che Guevara!
Viva Raul Castro!
Viva Diaz-Canel!
Viva Evo Morales!
Viva Lula!
Viva Rafael Correa!
Viva Shafik!
Viva Daniel Ortega!
Viva all the Latin American revolutionaries!
Viva Salvador Allende!
Viva América!
Viva Hugo Chavéz!
Viva Villa and Zapata!
Viva Andrés Manuel López Obrador!
Viva Mexico!
Viva Mexico!
Thank you comrades.
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