4-10 February: protests rock Madrid, war-moves are made against China and Iran finds an unexpected new ally

Protests against government policies in Catalonia took place in Madrid

Protests against liberal  Spanish prime minister Pedro Sanchez took place on Sunday in the center of the Spanish capital. According to local authorities, at least 45 thousand people took part in the rally. The action was supported by key opposition forces and dozens of politicians.

The main slogan of the action was: “For a united Spain. Elections now.”

Conservative forces organized the protests in response to the government’s decision to hold talks with Catalan separatists. Groups such as the centre-right Popular Party (PP) and Ciudadanos (Citizens) called the government’s decision as “a betrayal of Spain” and called for early general elections.

Washington makes serious moves against China

The West has again taken action to put pressure on China – economically, politically and now militarily.

The United States advised its military allies to abandon 5G-equipment made by Chinese companies Huawei and ZTE. The US’ statement was addressed to France, Germany and all countries allegedly threatened by the Chinese telecommunications giants. The United States announced its concerns at a meeting with representatives of the European Commission and the Belgian government. Washington’s allies were urged to be extremely cautious and not to enter into contracts with “unreliable” Chinese suppliers at the potential cost of state security.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo went to Hungary, Poland and Slovakia to warn them against Chinese influence and urge them to unite with America against Beijing.

Provocations continued over the weekend… according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, two US Navy rocket destroyers provocatively entered the South China Sea without permission from the Chinese government. 

The provocations come alongside high-profile condemnations of China, including by liberal ideologue and regime-change financier George Soros.

Iran gets support from an old enemy

Iraq will not adhere to US sanctions against Iran, the Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdel Mahdi said during a meeting with the head of the Central Bank of Iran, Abdolnaser Hemmati.

The head of the Iraqi government “highly appreciated the development of relations” between Baghdad and Tehran and thanked Iran for its support in the fight against terrorism.

Abdel Mahdi’s statement was made amid reports of his plans to visit Washington in the near future.

Brexit and hell

The head of the European Council, Donald Tusk, said that people who called for Britain to leave the European Union without any action plan will have a special place in hell.

Tusk began his press conference with a reminder that 50 days remain until Britain’s withdrawal from the EU.

Tusk’s words provoke anger among the British parliamentarians who spoke for Brexit.