The new US Uyghur trap for Turkey

The new year has come with good news for the oppressed the world over. The pandemic of 2020 revealed that the imperialist system is incapable of sustaining itself. Not only did this system unravel under the pressure of the pandemic, but more importantly, it brought to consciousness the fact that this system threatens the earth and humanity with its rotten ideology, which can be summarized in the phrase “man is wolf to man”, eroding solidarity and the common good.

It is as clear as day that the scales can not bear this weight any longer!

We are building a new world. Mankind realizes the necessity of developing popular policies in order to create a more humane social order. The pendulum of history has turned to Asia, the homeland of people-first policies.


The 50 year anniversary of China launching diplomatic relations with the people of the Republic of Turkey will take place in 2021, marking half a century.

Our diplomatic relations began with a document signed by the great statesman Hasan Esat Işık, Turkey’s Ambassador to Paris and the former Deputy Foreign Minister Huang Chen, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) Ambassador to Paris on August, 4, 1971.

Paris is an important locale to this relationship: in those years, Paris served as China’s window to the outside. Those who signed the protocol were not just ambassadors: Hasan Esat Işık, the son of the ophthalmologist Esat Pasha, one of the heroes of our War of Independence, served in the Foreign Affairs and Defense ministries in addition to embassies in important capitals.

China’s Ambassador to Paris Huang Chen is also one of the leading cadres of the Chinese revolution. He was a senior statesman, one of the commanders of the famous Long March led by Mao, and served at embassies in Hungary and Indonesia. While he was Ambassador to Indonesia, he was one of the organizers of the Bandung Conference, where the Non-Aligned Movement was launched. (1) Ambassador Huang is one of the most trusted executives of Chinese Prime Minister Zhu Enlai, hence the behind-the-scenes organizer of Kissinger’s visits to China and Richard Nixon’s visit to Beijing. (2)

Turkey became the eighth member with its accession to the United Nations, 22 years after the establishment of the PRC.

“Independence, sovereignty, noninterference in internal affairs, equality of rights, within the framework of territorial integrity and mutual interests protection principle, has decided to establish diplomatic relations from today,” the protocol signed by China and Turkey reads.


Turkey’s relations with China remained under the influence and control of the Atlantic camp for most of history. Despite the “strategic partnership” agreement signed between the two countries in 2010, relations could not progress due to the shadow of NATO. The historical event that changed this situation was the July 15 Coup Attempt against Turkey. China’s government, having had the situation explained to them by Turkey’s Vatan (Patriotic) Party, was the only member of the UN Security Council to show support for Turkey following the attempted Coup. Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister Zhang Ming conveyed a message of support from Chinese President Xi Jinping on August 3, 2016.

President Erdoğan and Chinese President Xi Jinping met four times in the last five years. (3) However, the most important visit was his official visit to Beijing after the G-20 Osaka summit in July 2019. President Erdogan offered to open a new page with China, and the request was met.

President Erdogan demanded close cooperation in security and economy and stated that the Xinjiang region is an integral part of China. More importantly, Erdogan openly condemned the terrorist acts of the East Turkestan Islamic Movement and wished for China’s Uighur population to live happily and prosperously in unity with China.


The first result of Erdogan’s visit was to increase the importance of Turkey in the rankings of China’s diplomacy. The new ambassadors appointed to Turkey were chosen from China’s most senior diplomats of the Foreign Ministry, those promoted to the level of general manager. The previous Ambassador Deng Li returned from Ankara to Beijing to serve as Deputy Foreign Minister. The new Ambassador Liu Shaobin, who arrived in November 2020, was the Chief Security Officer of the Chinese Foreign Ministry. Immediately after giving the letter of acceptance to President Erdogan on December 15, he visited Doğu Perinçek, the Chairman of the Vatan Party, on December 18, 2020. Ambassador Liu Shaobin came to the Vatan Party Headquarters and said that China is determined to make the leap in relations between Turkey and China evaluating the 50th Anniversary of diplomatic relations.


The Chinese administration demanded a determined stance on the preservation of mutual territorial integrity as the first condition of developing relations. Turkey is particularly insistant on the question of PKK terrorism and separatist activities, wjile China has a likewise resolute position regarding Eastern Turkistan separatist organizations. These issues are considered non-negotiable.

Immediately after Bew Ambassador Liu Shaobin’s inauguration, the National People’s Congress Standing Committee approved the “Agreement on Extradition of Criminals” on 22 December, which was signed between Turkey and China on May 13, 2017. On December 26, China announced that the National People’s Assembly had ratified the deal.

Following these developments, the US launched an international campaign to undermine positive relations between China and Turkey.


The United States government, terrified of Turkey’s approaching Asia and especially the possibility of it forming close ties with China, is playing “Uyghur card” to undermine this alliance.

The trap set against the Turkish-Chinese alliance is set around the argument that the Uyghurs, see Turkey as the leader of the Muslim world against China.

The US psychological warfare machine is conducting an international campaign, broadcasting the idea that the Uyghurs are relying on help from Turkey against China.

However, as always, FETÖ is the most important tool they have to use against Turkey.

On December 25, 2020 Ahval News published “investigative journalist” Nicholas Morgan’s (an expert on Russia and Turkey) interview with Uyghur Movement President Rusen Abbas. Morgan insisted that “the Uyghurs see Turkey as the leader of the Muslim world against China”. (4)

We see the same theme in the title of an article published in the Guardian last December: “Pressure on Turkey to protect Uighurs as China ratifies extradition treaty”. (5)

Rusen Abbas was sent to Ankara, and plays an active role in pushing Turkey to confront China. CHP Chairman Kılıçdaroğlu met with Good Party Chairman Meral Akşener, Future Party Chairman Ahmet Davutoğlu, and Deva Party Chairman Ali Babacanm where the Good Party launched a campaign aimed at preventing an “extradition agreement”.


Rushan Abbas is the so-called President of the “Campaign for Uyghurs” (CFU) affiliated with the World Uyghur Congress (DUK) which is funded by the National Endowment For Democracy (NED), which is widely known to be a “veiled CIA” organization that is funded in Washington. Abbas is one of the influential figures of the DUK both under the Presidency of Rabia Kadir and under the current President Dolkun Isa. When Rushan Abbas arrived in Turkey, she conducted activities with DUKE Vice President Erkin Ekrem.

Abbas is introduced on the NED’s website as follows: “Rushan Abbas, founder of the CFU, frequently informs decision-makers about human rights in the Uyghur region. He also testified on the US House of Representatives Foreign Relations Committee and on the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Senator Marco Rubio brought Abbas to the nationwide address as the first Uyghur guest in February 2020.”


In the early 90’s, Abbas started to write for newspapers such as the Washington Post and the New York Times, while establishing so-called Uyghur rights associations. But more important is Abbas’ “consultancy” profession rather than her “activism”. ISI is a company where Abbas worked as a consultant. While this company focuses on the Middle East and Africa, the institutions it serves include US intelligence units and the Department of State. The company’s introduction to Ruşen Abbas includes the following information: “Abbas has extensive experience in working with government agencies, including the US Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Defense, the Department of State, the Department of Justice and Intelligence.”

Looking at Abbas’ experience of “extensive work” with American intelligence, we come across her work at the Guantanamo Base, which shook the world when its torture practices were exposed. The L3 institution she served for operates on intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance and communication. Abbas is also not hiding that she also worked for former US President George Bush. (5)


Ahval News’ spokesperson is Rushan Abbas, who takes pride in her work for the CIA.

“Ahval news” was established by the United Arab Emirates in Cyprus. It is a site of FETÖ fugitives and those working undercover to foster hostility against Turkey. Broadcasting in Turkish, English and Arabic, “Ahval News” is one of the important nodes of the Gulenist Terrorist Organization (FETO)’s psychological operations. Articles first published in Ahval News are translated into various languages and published in dozens of FETO’s internet media. Ahval news is a source of legitimacy for FETO.

When we take a closer look at the writers at Ahval News, we see how accurate the famous phrase of former Foreign Ministers İhsan Sabri Çağlayangilthe is: “the CIA carved it out from under us”.

The liberal writers at Ahval News were educated in important universities in the US and Western Europe, all of whom now support the CHP, were placed in Today’s Zaman newspaper, which was previously published in English by FETO. One of Ahval’s writers, Emre Deliveli, who received an education at Yale and Harvard University, has adopted anti-China activities in line with FETO’s political goals.


Does the extradition agreement put the Uyghurs in Turkey under threat? Let’s take a closer look.

The Extradition Agreement is a neccisary legal document for these countries, which for 20-years have suffered from terrorism.

“Criminals Extradition Treaty between the Republic of China and Turkey” was mutually approved and signed on May 13, 2017 in order to develop and strengthen existing cooperation between the two countries within the scope of extradition on the basis of principles of sovereignty and equality and mutual interests.

This agreement is nothing but an adaptation of the “Legal, Judicial Assistance Agreement on Commercial and Criminal Matters Between Turkey and China” consisting of 42 articles signed by Interior Minister Saadettin Tantan 2000.

On April 12, 2019, the renewed agreement was sent to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey Presidency “to include appropriate approval”, by the President of Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

The text of the agreement approved by President Erdogan was signed as a Presidential law proposal on April 26, 2019, the proposal and justification sent for the approval of the Parliament. It was signed by Mustafa Şentop and on May 8, 2019, and to the Foreign Affairs and Justice Commissions with the document numbered 2/1798. The agreement is expected to be ratified by the Parliament in February 2021, after the acceptance of the Chinese People’s Assembly.


According to the agreement, if the request for extradition is linked to a political crime, if the person whose extradition is sought is a citizen of the country in which he or she is currently residing, or is benefiting from asylum rights, the country has the right to refuse the request.

The President of the Federation of Eurasian Turkish Associations, İsmail Cengiz, described the campaign carried out on behalf of the Uyghurs in a press release on December 29:

“It has been seen that provocateurs feeding global powers the idea to turn Turkey into a center where every kind of illegal action against China is planned, with a directive from a center, are trying to corner Turkey as if there is a chance for a second ‘Boraltan Calamity’ to take place. Those who eat Turkey’s bread, drink Turkey’s water, who travel to Turkey to save their lives become enemies of Islam and Turkey after they reach America, Canada and other European countries.”


The extradition of terrorist criminals is a mandatory practice for ensuring the territorial integrity of countries and the security of the people. It is remarkable that the US is trying to destroy this democratic shield worldwide.

Turkey, quite rightly, wants the extradition of Fethullah Gulen from the US. The United States has so far refused to fulfill this request, violating the treaty signed with Turkey.


In China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, the terrorist acts that started in the 1990s and intensified with the imperialist attack in Syria, especially since 2011, were ended with the strict measures taken in 2017. There has been no terrorist act in the Uyghur region for four years. In September 2019, I visited the cities of Urumqi, Shihezi and Kashgar and observed them personally. We published a series in Aydınlık newspaper on 3-7 November 2019. (7)

“Guidance activity” has been completed through the training centers that function as an enlightening center against terrorism and fundamentalism in China, the Uyghurs have come out of the extraordinary period brought about by the fight against terrorism, and they are empowered. The bazaars are cheerful, the people are at peace and the region is liberated from fundamentalist terror. Sinicang Uyghur Autonomous Region is breaking records in development.

The fuss made on account of the US in Turkey actually damages the Uyghurs a great deal, as it forces China to take more stringent measures.

If they develop a common understanding of relations between Turkey and China, the Uyghurs stand to benefit the most.

This new attempt by the CIA will serve to create a better mutual understanding of Turkey and China, and will strengthen the cooperation of the two countries.

No one can divert Turkey from turning back toward Asia on the pendulum of history. China and Turkey will realize an alliance that will be at the heart of the coming century.
