Bay of Pigs 2: the US’ latest failed attempt to invade Venezuela

The US is trying to provoke countries in South America to take up arms against Venezuela after yet another failed coup attempt. While Secretary of State Pompeo threatens Mexico with sanctions to enforce compliance, he is attempting to milk the friendly government in Brazil for all its worth.

As the US’ failed coup attempt starring US-backed opposition leader Juan Guaido comes upon its first anniversary, plans to bring down Maduro by former green berets of the American Army were revealed and thwarted.

According to reports in the British press, the Guaido-led opposition roused an armed volunteer group of 300 people alongside US green beret Jordan Goudreau, who planned to sneak into Venezuela from the northern end of South America and arrest Maduro, leading to a social unrest. The former green beret Jordan Goudreau had been working with a former Venezuelan general imprisoned for crimes related to trafficking narcotics in the US.


The Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic continues to affect the entire world, and has hit Latin America particularly hard– yet, the U’S political actions and sanctions on Venezuela continue. While the effects of this political crisis are still being felt, the Venezuelan people and Army continue to stand with President Nicolas Maduro against continued US-backed coup attempts.

The United States, which has repeatedly failed to provoke the people of Venezuela, is now trying to restrain and impose sanctions on Venezuela through countries in the region.


According to Reuters, US officials announced on Wednesday that the US State Department, Treasury Department, and the US Embassy in Mexico, are investigating at least two Mexican companies for an oil and food exchange agreement signed with the Venezuelan government in 2019. The reason for the investigation was an agreement signed in 2019, coming after a US bill imposing sanctions. US officials have called for cooperation with the Mexican government against these Mexican companies that have ignored sanctions.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has said “We have called the Mexican government for cooperation, we hope they will cooperate with us.” about the situation.

Mexico announced that they would not support the US-backed coup attempt on Venezuela last year.

US Department of State


Secretary of the State Pompeo also announced on his Twitter the previous day that he had a meeting with the Brazilian Foreign Minister, that they were in an intimate cooperation, saying “We must continue to support the democratic transition process in Venezuela.”


Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza responded to these provocations:

“@SecPompeo: that in the US the pandemic has exceeded the million cases with over 60,000 painful deaths and its economy suffers the consequences is the exclusive responsibility of your government. Stop using Venezuela to hide your faults and failures.”

Arreaza also added:

“In Venezuela, with 30 million people, a free national healthcare network and the timely concern of the Government to tend to #COVID_19, we’ve managed a recovery rate of 43% and 0.3 deaths per million inhabitants.”


Former National Security Advisor, John Bolton shared a provocative post on his Twitter account the same day:

“Maduro is only clinging to power because of military support from Russia and Cuba. The United States must not tolerate continued foreign military interference in the Western Hemisphere, directly or by proxies.”

Bolton had continued to make posts about Venezuela on May 1st, calling for “the imposition of the strongest sanctions”:

“To this day, the significant foreign military presence in Venezuela denies the will of the people. The strongest possible sanctions must remain until the peaceful transition of power & @jguaido, Venezuela’s rightful interim President & the Venezuelan people are firmly in control.”



US Secretary of State Pompeo also held talks with Bolivia, Chile and Paraguay in recent years, trying to gain support for US backed opposition figure Juan Guaido.


The main goal of US sanctions against Venezuela is to push regime change by creating social unrest through the artificial collapse of the economy in Venezuela. Venezuela is one of the countries in the region that has been most resistant to the neoliberal policies of the United States. Breaking the Venezuelan resistance would deeply affect the other countries in the region, becoming an example of what happens to countries that resist US domination. The United States has failed to achieve a regime change in Venezuela and to transfer the country’s oil revenues to the United States via Guaido.

President Maduro describes the US’ ambitions saying: “Washington is onto the plans for bringing coups, wars, terrorism and instability to Venezuela, by provoking armed conflicts and justifying the military intervention.”

The strongest opposition to the US-backed coup attempt in Venezuela and the strongest support for Maduro came from Cuba, Turkey, Russia and Iran.